information and family health history can improve health and influence policy and practice. We highlight
news and information on the use of genomic tests and other applications, including family health history,
in clinical and public health practice and programs, along with relevant data, policy, and legislation. We hope the update is informative to practitioners, policy makers, consumers, and researchers. Please send
your comments to:
Reviews and Commentaries on Science & Technology
- The coming age of data-driven medicine: translational bioinformatics’ next frontier
Nigam H Shah, Jessica D Tenenbaum JAMIA Apr 11 - Data science: The numbers of our lives- “the sexiest job in the 21st century”
By Claire Cain Miller. New York Times, Apr 11
- Drilling into big cancer-genome data.
Vivien Marx, Nature Methods, Mar 28
- A developing world strategy for personalized medicines.
Huffington Post, Apr 4
- DNA testing: Crack open your genetic code
Lee AC, CNN, Apr 11
- Friction over function: Scientists clash on the meaning of ENCODE’s genetic data.
Diep F, Scientific American, Apr12
- DNA pioneer Francis Crick letter sells for $5.3m at New York auction,
BBC News Apr 11
- Data registry gives patients control: Patients designate what information can be used for research
By Marianne Kolbasuk McGee, April 1, 2013.
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