Birth-18 Years & "Catch-up" Immunization Schedules
United States, 2013
Details For Health Care Professionals
Each year, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) publishes immunization schedules for persons age birth through 18 years. These schedules summarize recommendations for routine vaccines for children age 18 years and younger.The recommended immunization schedules for persons age birth through 18 years and the catch-up immunization schedule have been approved by the ACIP, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).
On this Page
View and Print Schedules
Combined Schedule Format
Birth-18 Years and Catch-up
- View combined schedules (birth-18 years and catch-up)
- Print combined schedules (birth-18 years and catch-up)
[346 KB, 7 pages]
- Print full MMWR supplement (birth-18 years, catch-up, adult, adult medical and other indications, adult contraindications and precautions)
[1MB, 21 pages]
- Order free copies from CDC (not available until early March)
Single Page Formats
Birth-18 Years Recommended Immunization Schedule
Display and print this schedule on your website. NEW Feature
- See schedule as it will appear on your website
You can also print directly from this page too. - Copy code to your site to display and print schedule on your website
This method ensures schedules on your site will always be the most current; whenever CDC updates a schedule, your page will automatically display the same update. Your visitors can print the schedule from your Web page as well.
Catch-up Immunization Schedule
Display and print this schedule on your website. NEW Feature
- See catch-up schedule as it will appear on your website
You can also print directly from this page too. - Copy code to your site to display and print catch-up schedule on your website
This method ensures the catch-up schedule on your site will always be the most current; whenever CDC updates it, your page will automatically display the same update. Your visitors can print the catch-up schedule from your Web page as well.
Easy-to-read Versions for Parents
Available in English and Spanish.- Recommended Immunizations for Children (Birth through 6 years)
- Recommended Immunizations for Preteens and Teens (7-18 years)
Create a Schedule of Vaccines Needed Since Birth
Create a Customized Schedule of Vaccines Needed (birth to 6 years)
Use this tool to create a personalized schedule you can give to and discuss with parents. Parents also can use this print-out to record their child’s vaccinations. Just enter your patient’s date of birth, click “get schedule”, and then click "printable schedule."
Use this tool to create a personalized schedule you can give to and discuss with parents. Parents also can use this print-out to record their child’s vaccinations. Just enter your patient’s date of birth, click “get schedule”, and then click "printable schedule."
Interactive Tools
Interactive Adolescent Scheduler for those 7 through 18 years
Tool for determining the vaccines needed according to the Adolescent Immunization schedule.
Tool for determining the vaccines needed according to the Adolescent Immunization schedule.
Interactive Catch-up Scheduler
for those birth through 6 years
Tool for determining the vaccines a child needs especially missed or skipped vaccines according to the Immunization scheduler.
Note: 2013 version not available until early February.
Tool for determining the vaccines a child needs especially missed or skipped vaccines according to the Immunization scheduler.
Note: 2013 version not available until early February.
CDC is creating a mobile version of the schedules which we plan to have available by March 2013.
Condensed Version
(Prints 6" wide x 9" height 2-sided (back-to-back); when folded 6" x 4.5" *
- Print COLOR version — POCKET-SIZE
[334 KB, 2 pages*]
for office printer - Order free laminated cards
*Page 1 - Child schedule (birth-18 years) with footnotes on back side.*Page 2 - Catch-up schedule with footnotes on back side.
- Order free 6" x 9" laminated cards from CDC (not available until early March)
- Purchase laminated versions at IAC
(not available until early March)
Immunization Action Coalition (IAC)
MMWR of Recommended Schedules
Each year, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) reviews the current recommended immunization schedules for persons age birth through 18 years to ensure that the schedule reflects current recommendations for licensed vaccines. In October 2012, ACIP approved the recommended immunization schedules for person age birth through 18 years for 2013. MMWR published the schedules February 1, 2013, in supplement volume 62, number 1.
MMWR version also serves as a text-only for screen-reader devices.
Spanish Version (en español)
The official MMWR version of the schedules is no longer available in Spanish. We offer only parent-friendly versions of the schedule. See easy-to-read versions for parents in Spanish.Consult for inquiries about Spanish versions.
Binational Resource
Binational Immunization Resource for Children from Birth through 18 Years
[1MB, 2 pages]
Side-by-side presentation of recommended vaccines in Mexico and the United States helps healthcare providers identify vaccines needed by children now in the U.S. who received some vaccines in Mexico.
Side-by-side presentation of recommended vaccines in Mexico and the United States helps healthcare providers identify vaccines needed by children now in the U.S. who received some vaccines in Mexico.
Changes in the Schedule Since Last Release
Each year, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) reviews the recommended immunization schedule to ensure that the schedule reflects current recommendations for licensed vaccines.Changes were published in MMWR and in brief, the primary changes include:
For 2013, several new references and links to additional information have been added, including one for travel vaccine requirements and recommendations. New references also are provided for vaccination of persons with primary and secondary immunodeficiencies. Changes to the previous schedules include the following:
- Figure 1, “Recommended immunization schedule for persons aged 0 through 18 years” replaces “Recommended immunization schedule for persons aged 0 through 6 years” and “Recommended immunization schedule for persons aged 7 through 18 years.”
- Wording was added to bars to represent the respective vaccine dose numbers in the series.
- The meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) purple bar was extended to age 6 weeks, to reflect licensure of Hib-MenCY vaccine.
- The hepatitis A (HepA) vaccine yellow bar was extended to better reflect routine age recommendations for use of HepA vaccine. New green and purple bars were added to reflect hepatitis A vaccine recommendations for older children.
- Abbreviations for influenza vaccine were updated with the anticipation of quadrivalent vaccine for the 2013–14 influenza season.
- Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) was added to Figure 1.
- Footnotes were combined and standardized formatting was used to provide recommendations for each vaccine related to routine vaccination, catch-up vaccination, and vaccination of persons with high-risk medical conditions or under special circumstances.
- Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) footnotes were updated to reflect recent recommendations.
- Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine footnotes were updated to reflect recent recommendations.
- Influenza vaccine footnotes were updated to provide dosing guidance for children aged 6 months through 8 years for the 2012–13 and 2013–14 influenza seasons.
- Meningococcal conjugate (MCV4) vaccine minimum ages and intervals were updated in Figure 2, “Catch-up immunization schedule for persons...” to reflect licensure of Hib-MenCY vaccine.
Presentation Graphics
These slides are only snapshots of the chart and footnote portions of the immunization schedule and are provided for use in PowerPoint Presentations:PPT slides
Immunization Recommendations
- Summary of Recommendations for Childhood and Adolescent Immunization
[88 KB, 4 pages]
(not available until early March)
- ACIP Recommendations
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