sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013

CDC - ACIP - Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Home Page - Vaccines

CDC - ACIP - Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Home Page - Vaccines

For Health Care Professionals

child schedule.
Child, Adolescent & "Catch-up" Immunization Schedules
These recommended schedules summarize ACIP recommendations for currently licensed vaccines for children ages 18 years and younger.
Adult schedule.
Adult Immunizati

ACIP image. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is a group of medical and public health experts that develop recommendations on how to use vaccines to control diseases in the United States...more

Register for the upcoming ACIP meeting

ACIP meeting February 20-21, 2013
(Wednesday - Thursday)
Deadline for registration: February 4, 2013 (US citizens AND non-US citizens)

Registration is NOT required to watch the meeting via webcast

ACIP Meeting agenda Adobe PDF file [334 KB, 2 pages]

ACIP Recommendations

General Committee-related Information

  • Charter Defines ACIP's purpose, authority, and function; its structure, meetings, and compensation; plus costs, reports, and termination.
  • Members Membership roster, including chair, executive secretary, voting members, ex officio members, and liaison representatives.
  • Annals of Internal Medicine: Role of ACIPExternal Web Site Icon Article describing ACIP's role in the development and dissemination of vaccine recommendations and policies plus information on conflicts of interest and ACIP work groups.
  • Vaccine Supplement: Structure, Role, & Procedures of ACIP Article describing the Role of National Advisory Committees in Supporting Evidence-based Decision Making for National Immunization Programs.

ACIP Meetings

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