miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

30 Blogs With Tips On Curbing Bad Behavior | Full Time Nanny

30 Blogs With Tips On Curbing Bad Behavior | Full Time Nanny

30 Blogs With Tips On Curbing Bad Behavior

Posted on by admin | in Nanny
As a parent or caregiver, one of your most basic and essential jobs is to help children learn to make good behavioral choices and curb their naughtier tendencies. This becomes especially important as kids get older and begin to exhibit more serious and problematic behavior. Finding the most effective method of helping kids learn to overcome their misbehavior isn’t always easy; thankfully, the Internet and a rise in popularity of blogs have created a network of support and effective parenting advice. These 30 blogs are all dedicated to various methods of working with kids to stop their bad behavior, or at least curtail it before it gets out of hand.
Whether you’re dealing with a toddler that’s exploring the concept of truth or a rebellious teen that outright refuses to tell it, stopping kids from lying is one of the things that most parents and caregivers struggle with at some time or another. The advice in these five blog entries can help you do just that, encouraging honesty in the kids under your care.
Even if you never swear, it’s almost inevitable that your child will, at some point, pick up a few choice words. These five bloggers tackle the delicate subject of indelicate speech, helping parents find the best methods of cleaning up a dirty mouth.
Young children may take things that don’t belong to them because they haven’t yet developed a clear understanding of the concept of personal belongings. These five blog entries are dedicated to helping stamp out stealing, whether the child in question is a preschooler or a high-schooler.
Establishing and asserting independence is something that children will do throughout their youth, and is behavior that can quickly become defiant and downright rude. Preventing or solving a problem with defiance can be relatively difficult, but these five bloggers offer their tried-and-true solutions for approaching this dilemma.
The dangers of bullying are well-publicized, with the vast majority of parents understanding just how important it is to protect kids from one another. The realization that your own child may be the victim of bullies is horrifying enough; finding out that your child is the one victimizing her peers can be devastating. These five blogs help parents and caregivers learn the best methods for stopping budding bullying tendencies, getting your child back on track to being a good friend and classmate.
Misbehavior at School
Learning that the child who’s so well-behaved and polite at home is acting out while he’s at school can be shocking and a bit embarrassing. Handling misbehavior that tends to occur at school is the focus of the following five blog entries, helping parents to stop dreading parent/teacher conferences.

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