QuickStats: Percentage of Men Aged 25–64 Years with Activity Limitation,* by Age Group and Veteran Status† — United States, National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), 2007–2010§
October 19, 2012 / 61(41);845* Activity limitation is assessed by asking respondents a series of questions about limitations in their ability to perform activities usual for their age group because of a physical, mental, or emotional problem(s).
† In NHIS, veterans identify themselves by responding "yes" to the question "Have you ever been honorably discharged from active duty in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard?"
§ Estimates are based on household interviews of a sample of the civilian, noninstitutionalized U.S. population and are derived from the NHIS sample adult component.
¶ 95% confidence interval.
During 2007–2010, male veterans aged 25–64 years reported higher levels of activity limitation than nonveterans (21% among veterans, compared with 11% among nonveterans). Significant differences were observed in activity limitation between veterans and nonveterans in males aged 35–44, 45–54, and 55–64 years. Activity limitation increased with age for veterans and nonveterans.
Source: National Health Interview Survey data, 2007–2010. Available at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis.htm.
Reported by: Ellen A. Kramarow, PhD, ekramarow@cdc.gov, 301-458-4325; Patricia N. Pastor, PhD.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the percentage of men aged 25-64 years with activity limitation, by age group and veteran status in the United States during 2007-2010. During 2007-2010, male veterans aged 25-64 years reported higher levels of activity limitation than nonveterans (21% among veterans, compared with 11% among nonveterans). Significant differences were observed in activity limitation between veterans and nonveterans in males aged 35-44, 45-54, and 55-64 years. Activity limitation increased with age for veterans and nonveterans.
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