sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Use of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone for Pediatric Patients With Cystic Fibrosis - Clinician Guide | AHRQ Effective Health Care Program

Guides for Managing Cystic Fibrosis Are Available

AHRQ has released a pair of plain-language guides to help families of children living with cystic fibrosis (CF) and their clinicians work together to make important decisions about how to treat and manage the condition. These free guides examine whether human growth hormone (HGH) can be used to successfully manage some symptoms of CF and what factors should be considered when making decisions about its use. The consumer guide, Human Growth Hormone for Children with Cystic Fibrosis, reviews the recent research on the use of HGH in children with CF and provides questions that a parent can ask their child’s clinician about its benefits and risks. It highlights that children with CF who use HGH did show modest changes in weight and BMI; however, no significant changes in the measure of lung function associated with length or quality of life were observed. A modest decrease in hospitalization rate was associated with use of HGH; however, its long-term risks and impact on the disease remains unknown. The clinician guide, Use of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone for Pediatric Patients with Cystic Fibrosis, is intended to supplement existing resources available to clinicians to help them discuss treatment options with their patients.
Use of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone for Pediatric Patients With Cystic Fibrosis - Clinician Guide | AHRQ Effective Health Care Program

Human Growth Hormone for Children With Cystic Fibrosis: A Review of the Research for Parents and Caregivers - Consumer Guide | AHRQ Effective Health Care Program
Human Growth Hormone for Children With Cystic Fibrosis: A Review of the Research for Parents and Caregivers - Consumer Guide | AHRQ Effective Health Care Program

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