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Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing
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Last Updated: Jan 12, 2016
- Ordering Your Own Lab Tests
A Swartz, Genome Magazine, January 11, 2016 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Direct-to-consumer Genetic Testing: Changes in the EU Regulatory Landscape.
Slokenberga Santa et al. European journal of health law 2015 Dec 22(5) 463-80 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Internet-Based Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: A Systematic Review
L Covolo et al, JIMR, December 2015 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Public Health Genomics (Connecticut)
Disease: Multiple Diseases; Type: General Information; State: Connecticut (From Implementation Database)
- Public reaction to direct-to-consumer online genetic tests: Comparing attitudes, trust and intentions across commercial and conventional providers.
Critchley Christine et al. Public understanding of science (Bristol, England) 2015 Aug 24(6) 731-50(From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- The Rise of DIY Genetic Testing
E. Matchar, Smithsonian Magazine, October 13, 2015 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- The Scientific Foundation for personal genomics: recommendations from a National Institutes of Health-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention multidisciplinary workshop.
Khoury Muin J et al. Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 2009 Aug 11(8) 559-67 (From CDC-Authored Genomics Publication Database)
- Genomic Testing Makes Consumers Less Confident in Understanding Genetics (And That's Probably Okay)
R Green, Huffington Post, October 2, 2015 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Genomics and me
Despite the hype, DNA testing may not reveal as much about yourself as you would hope. Its real value lies elsewhere, Ben Martynoga, September 23, 2015 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Why you shouldn’t know too much about your own genes
C. Johnson, wonkblog, September 2015 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Low-Frequency IL23R Coding Variant Associated with Crohn's Disease Susceptibility in Japanese Subjects Identified by Personal Genomics Analysis.
Onodera Kei, et al. PloS one 2015 0 (9) e0137801 (From HuGE Literature Finder)
- Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: A Systematic Review of European Guidelines, Recommendations, and Position Statements.
Rafiq Muhammad et al. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers 2015 Aug 27. (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- The Ultimate Selfie
(From CDC Information Database)
- CDC Podcast on Personal Genomic Tests
(From CDC Information Database)
- Think Before You Spit: Do Personal Genomic Tests Improve Health?
(From CDC Information Database)
- Think After You Spit: Personal Genomic Tests May Offer a Teachable Moment
(From CDC Information Database)
- Is the genomic translational pipeline being disrupted?
Williams Marc S et al. Hum. Genomics 2015 (1) 9 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Informing the Design of Direct-to-Consumer Interactive Personal Genomics Reports.
Shaer Orit et al. J. Med. Internet Res. 2015 (6) e146 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Motivations, concerns and preferences of personal genome sequencing research participants: Baseline findings from the HealthSeq project.
Sanderson Saskia C et al. Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 2015 Jun 3. (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- How Well Do Customers of Direct-to-Consumer Personal Genomic Testing Services Comprehend Genetic Test Results? Findings from the Impact of Personal Genomics Study.
Ostergren Jenny E et al. Public Health Genomics 2015 Jun 16. (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
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