martes, 2 de junio de 2015

NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announcements for June 2, 2015

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Funding and Research Opportunities

The following funding opportunity announcements from the NHLBI or other components of the National Institutes of Health, might be of interest:


Clarifying Publication Reporting Instructions for Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR) and Renewal Applications
(NOT-OD-15-091) National Institutes of Health
Reminder of Timeline for Administrative Changes to NIH Domestic Awards to Transition to Payment Management System Subaccounts
(NOT-OD-15-105) National Institutes of Health
Request for Information: NIH Precision Medicine Cohort - Strategies to Address Community Engagement and Health Disparities
(NOT-OD-15-107) National Institutes of Health
Delays in Grant Application Submission due to Severe Summer Weather and other Natural Disasters/Emergencies
(NOT-OD-15-108) National Institutes of Health

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