miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

EURORDIS updates key website sections

EURORDIS updates key website sections

Eurordis, Rare Diseases Europe

EURORDIS updates key website sections

New website section
What We Do
EURORDIS cordially invites its readers to take a look at the newly updated What We Do website section. This revamped and expanded section gives an overview of the many projects, activities and initiatives in which EURORDIS is engaged – all with the common goal of improving conditions for people living with a rare disease. Available in the seven EURORDIS languages, the What We Do section describes EURORDIS activities in the areas of research, information, networking, events, medicines development, EU policies and projects, patient training and empowerment and much, much more.
EU Rare Disease Policy
Other updates include the EU Rare Disease Policy website section. This section provides current information on the many areas of European policy that impact rare diseases and access to treatments, services and care. EURORDIS closely follows all significant policy developments and participates actively to ensure the voice of rare disease patients is present and accounted for in the development and implementation of EU policies that impact people living with a rare disease.
EURORDIS Volunteers
Finally, the EURORDIS Volunteers section has been created to give the full measure of recognition that our many volunteers merit. The EURORDIS Volunteers play a key role in the capacity of EURORDIS to advocate on behalf of people living with a rare disease. This section allows readers to learn more about the EURORDIS volunteers and the roles they play – devoting their time, efforts and talents to help EURORDIS make a true difference in the lives of people with rare diseases. The Charter of the EURORDIS Volunteers -emphasising the core values of EURORDIS - is also available in this section, along with information on how to become a EURORDIS volunteer.

Louise Taylor, Communications and Development Writer, EURORDIS
Page created: 16/07/2014
Page last updated: 11/07/2014

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