miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Primary Orthostatic Tremor (POT), the Community - RareConnect

Primary Orthostatic Tremor (POT), the Community - RareConnect


Online Communities for Rare Disease Patients
Join the newest RareConnect Online Community for patients living with Primary Orthostatic Tremor (POT)

Welcome - Primary Orthostatic Tremor (POT) Community

What is Primary Orthostatic Tremor (POT) ?

“Primary Orthostatic tremor is a very rare progressive brain disorder often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s. The tremor is usually five times the frequency of Parkinson’s and it is very difficult to observe, the tremor needs to be confirmed electrically via an EMG test to confirm its severity. The tremor makes it almost impossible for the patient to stand even for a few seconds.”

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