miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

EHC Program Updates: Final Reports, White Paper, and FOA

EHC Program Updates: Final Reports, White Paper, and FOA

Effective Health Care Program - Helping You Make Better Treatment Choices

The following have been posted to the EHC Program Web site:

Final Reports

White Paper

Defining the Benefits of Stakeholder Engagement in Systematic Reviews. To access this report, visit:http://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/search-for-guides-reviews-and-reports/?pageaction=displayproduct&productID=1883.

Funding Opportunity Announcement: Funding for Implementing PCOR in Primary Care Practices

The Agency for Health Care Research (AHRQ) has issued two funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) aimed at increasing the use of patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) in primary care practices. 
The first FOA, Accelerating the Dissemination and Implementation of PCOR Findings into Primary Care Practice (R18), will fund up to 8 regional cooperatives to assist primary care practices build capacity for the implementation of PCOR findings in clinical care. Initial efforts will support the use of PCOR findings to improve heart health. To access this FOA, visit:http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HS-14-008.html.
The second companion FOA, Evaluation of AHRQ Initiative to Accelerate the Dissemination and Implementation of PCOR Findings into Primary Care (R01), solicits a robust, external evaluation of the same initiative designed to discover if and how practice support can best be used to disseminate and implement PCOR findings in primary care practice.  To access this FOA, visit: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HS-14-009.html.
AHRQ expects that the grants will be funded in early 2015.
Applicants must specifically work with primary care practices using a comprehensive approach that uses evidence-based quality improvement strategies, such as practice facilitation, designed to improve the capacity of primary care practices to implement new PCOR evidence into the delivery of care.
Grantees must also propose to rigorously evaluate their initiatives and agree to contribute to an overarching evaluation. AHRQ will invest up to $120 million over three years supporting up to 8 grantees, a landmark investment for the agency. A technical assistance and information conference call will be held on April 24, 2014. Letters of intent are due May 23, 2014 and applications are due July 3, 2014.This initiative was planned and developed in close coordination with agencies across the Department of Health and Human Services and is funded through the PCOR Trust Fund.
Effective Health Care Program

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