As a 29-year-old single mom, Angele’s life revolves around her young daughter. She works as a temp clerk at a New Orleans mammography clinic, stays on top of her bills and pays her taxes. But she hasn’t had health insurance for the past three years – it was just too expensive.
“It was scary to live without knowing what would happen if I got really sick or if I had a serious accident.”
That all changed when a colleague at the clinic told her about the Health Insurance Marketplace. She went on and was able to enroll in a Silver health plan and a dental plan for a total of less than $18 a month! Her coverage began February 1 – she’s already been to the doctor for a consultation.
“I want everybody – moms, dads, college students, and anybody looking for affordable health care – to know that they have a chance to find quality coverage in their price range. In fact, 6 out of 10 uninsured Americans could get coverage for $100 or less a month.”
There are only a couple of weeks left before the March 31 open enrollment deadline, so don’t delay. Get covered today.
There are simple ways to shop for coverage and enroll in a plan. You can enroll online at; over the phone at the 24/7 call center at 1-800-318-2596; or directly through an issuer, agent, or broker. You can also find in-person assistance in your community at
“It was scary to live without knowing what would happen if I got really sick or if I had a serious accident.”
That all changed when a colleague at the clinic told her about the Health Insurance Marketplace. She went on and was able to enroll in a Silver health plan and a dental plan for a total of less than $18 a month! Her coverage began February 1 – she’s already been to the doctor for a consultation.
“I want everybody – moms, dads, college students, and anybody looking for affordable health care – to know that they have a chance to find quality coverage in their price range. In fact, 6 out of 10 uninsured Americans could get coverage for $100 or less a month.”
There are only a couple of weeks left before the March 31 open enrollment deadline, so don’t delay. Get covered today.
There are simple ways to shop for coverage and enroll in a plan. You can enroll online at; over the phone at the 24/7 call center at 1-800-318-2596; or directly through an issuer, agent, or broker. You can also find in-person assistance in your community at
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