jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

CDC Learning Connection: What's New For August 2013

CDC Learning Connection Where the public health community goes to learn

Spotlight on CDC’s E-learning Essentials

E-learning Essentials
Do you develop e-learning?   CDC‘s E-learning Essentials products can help!  CDC’s E-learning Essentials guide and the brand new online companion, E-learning Essentials Interactive, are now available on the CDC Learning Connection!  These products identify six instructional components essential to quality e-learning and explain how to use them to engage learners in the most effective ways.

New Featured Examples

Design and development of effective e-learning requires a number of analytic activities to help ensure learning takes place. Our new Featured Examples illustrate how the six design components and best practices outlined in the  E-learning Essentials products are used in real-life  e-learning products.


New Resources Available!

Public Health and Health Care Integration
The CDC Learning Connection has a new resource section dedicated to public health and health care integration.  A united approach by these two sectors is key to improving quality, efficiency, individual health outcomes, and overall community health, while achieving cost savings.  Resources in this section identify background information and different ways public health and health care collaborate to improve population health.  Learn more.

CDC TRAIN Celebrates 2 Successful Years

Two years ago the CDC Learning Connection launched CDC TRAIN, offering learners across public health and health care access to thousands of public health related courses.  Since that time, CDC TRAIN has grown by leaps and bounds, with 64,000 registered learners and nearly 6,000 courses.  Learners have enjoyed recent improvements to CDC TRAIN such as: 
  • a modernized interface,
  • a dashboard for organizing learning activities,
  • enhanced search capabilities,
  • improved course evaluation features
Stay tuned for CDC TRAIN’s revamped home page that includes an easy way to find courses that offer continuing education!

Continuing Education
P.S. Can’t find the course you want on CDC TRAIN? Save your search and CDC TRAIN will email you when a course is added that matches your professional development needs!

Tell Us What You Think
We continue to update the CDC Learning Connection to ensure easy navigation and access to the most up-to-date information. Tell us what you think about the newest enhancements to the website.

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