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Health Tip: Cleaning Up From a Flood
Don't forget personal hygiene
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests how to clean up after your home has been flooded:
- Don't reenter your home unless authorities have told you the structure is safe.
- Make sure there's no leak of carbon monoxide -- a deadly odorless, colorless gas -- from the furnace.
- Discard anything that can't be washed and/or disinfected.
- Once you've finished the cleanup, thoroughly wash with soap and water.
- If your community has a boil-water advisory in effect, make sure to only use boiled or bottled water to clean and wash.
- If you notice any open sores, cuts or wounds, carefully wash them with soap and safe water, and apply an antibiotic ointment.
- If you feel sick or are injured, get medical help immediately.
- Promptly launder any clothing that you wore during cleanup in hot water with detergent, in a separate laundry load from uncontaminated clothing.
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