Acute Encephalitis Syndrome Surveillance, Kushinagar District, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2011–2012 - Vol. 19 No. 9 - September 2013 - Emerging Infectious Disease journal - CDC
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Volume 19, Number 9–September 2013
Volume 19, Number 9—September 2013
Acute Encephalitis Syndrome Surveillance, Kushinagar District, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2011–2012
In India, quality surveillance for acute encephalitis syndrome (AES), including laboratory testing, is necessary for understanding the epidemiology and etiology of AES, planning interventions, and developing policy. We reviewed AES surveillance data for January 2011–June 2012 from Kushinagar District, Uttar Pradesh, India. Data were cleaned, incidence was determined, and demographic characteristics of cases and data quality were analyzed. A total of 812 AES case records were identified, of which 23% had illogical entries. AES incidence was highest among boys <6 about="" aes="" age="" and="" apanese="" area="" available="" avoid="" be="" but="" cases="" control="" could="" data="" development="" during="" effect="" encephalitis="" epidemiology="" estimate="" etiology="" evidence="" for="" health="" history="" in="" incomplete="" inferences="" interventions="" japanese="" laboratory="" largely="" little="" low-quality="" made.="" measures="" monsoon="" not="" of="" p="" peaked="" prevention="" provide="" public="" records="" resources.="" results="" season.="" so="" support="" surveillance="" the="" this="" to="" vaccination="" waste="" were="" years="">6>A good quality surveillance system with laboratory support is essential for understanding the causes of AES and responding appropriately. Accordingly, the National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme in New Delhi, India, has developed guidelines for AES surveillance that promote the need for a strong surveillance system as a critical component for any control activities. In these guidelines, the goals outlined for AES surveillance are to 1) assess and characterize the burden of JE, 2) detect early warning signals for an outbreak, 3) assess the effect of vaccination, and 4) guide future strategies (1). The National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme has also implemented several measures to strengthen local health systems, including building on the capacity of the health workforce to provide better clinical management, extending referral diagnostic facilities by upgrading the existing Baba Raghav Das (BRD) Medical College facilities and setting up a National Institute of Virology field unit; and establishing a dedicated surveillance unit in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine at BRD Medical College to provide improved surveillance and outbreak responses (4).
From the 1970s until around 2010, JEV infection was considered to be the leading cause of AES in the traditional JE belt of India, which includes Kushinagar District in the state of Uttar Pradesh (5–11). However, because of a large number of JE cases of unknown etiology, AES patterns alone have not suggested a clear picture of the epidemiology of the disease. In recent years, despite of the introduction of a JE vaccine, an increased number of AES cases have been reported in India, including Uttar Pradesh, and the disease has spread to new districts, urban areas, and villages without pigs, which are not usually associated with JE transmission (12,13). Thus, the assertion that JEV is the leading cause of AES has been questioned, and other infectious agents, such as enteroviruses, have been reported as a cause of AES in Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India (14–19). A substantial contributor to the ambiguity about the etiology of AES could be the fact that surveillance data for AES have not been analyzed to assess reasons for the increased cases and other reported causes. We examined the completeness and quality of AES surveillance data from Kushinagar District, an area where JEV is highly endemic. Herein, we discuss the ability to make inferences about AES epidemiology and etiology from these data and the implications of our findings for policy planning and program implementation.
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