information and family health history can improve health and influence policy and practice. We highlight
news and information on the use of genomic tests and other applications, including family health history,
in clinical and public health practice and programs, along with relevant data, policy, and legislation. We hope the update is informative to practitioners, policy makers, consumers, and researchers. Please send
your comments to:
Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Week
- February 7-14 marks Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Week. About 1 out of every 100 babies born in the US has a congenital heart defect
- CDC feature: Screening for heart defects: A mother’s story
- CDC information: Facts about congenital heart defects including genetic factors
- Did you know that 295 genes have been reported in relation to the risk of congenital heart defects including 4 genomewide association studies. To find out more, check out the HuGE Navigator
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