viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome - Genetics Home Reference

Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome
Reviewed May 2011

What is Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome?

Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome is a condition involving several characteristic physical features, particularly affecting the eyes (oculo-), hair (tricho-), and anus (-anal).

People with Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome have widely spaced eyes (hypertelorism). They may also have other eye abnormalities including small eyes (microphthalmia), a notched or partially absent upper eyelid (upper eyelid coloboma), eyelids that are attached to the front surface of the eye (corneopalpebral synechiae), or eyes that are completely covered by skin and usually malformed (cryptophthalmos). These abnormalities may affect one or both eyes.

Individuals with Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome usually have abnormalities of the front hairline, such as hair growth extending from the temple to the eye on one or both sides of the face. One or both eyebrows may be completely or partially missing. Most people with this disorder also have a wide nose with a notched tip; in some cases this notch extends up from the tip so that the nose appears to be divided into two halves (bifid nose).

About 20 percent of people with Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome have defects in the abdominal wall, such as a soft out-pouching around the belly-button (an umbilical hernia) or an opening in the wall of the abdomen (an omphalocele) that allows the abdominal organs to protrude through the navel. Another characteristic feature of Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome is a narrow anus (anal stenosis) or an anal opening farther forward than usual. Umbilical wall defects or anal malformations may require surgical correction. Some affected individuals also have malformations of the kidneys.

The severity of the features of Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome may vary even within the same family. With appropriate treatment, affected individuals generally have normal growth and development, intelligence, and life expectancy.

Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome - Genetics Home Reference

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