viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

CDC - Vaccine Info for Providers of Preteens-Teens-Adolescents - Vaccines

For Health Care Professionals/Providers
The resources below can be used to assist doctors, nurses and other health professionals in speaking with patients and their parents about adolescent vaccines

Provider Factsheet [149 KB, 4 pages]
Factsheet about adolescent vaccines developed specifically for the doctors, nurses and other health care professionals

Vaccine Recommendations & Administration

•Adolescent immunization schedule (7-18 years old): Vaccines: Recs/Schedules/Child Schedule main page

•Screening Questionnaire Teen Immunization [108 KB, 2 pages]:
Tool for determining which vaccines may be needed for your 9-18 year old patients

•International travel: Table of Contents - 2010 Yellow Book - Travelers' Health - CDC
Use the Yellow Book to determine vaccines and medications necessary to prevent illness when traveling to other countries. Or, consult the destination map to identify vaccines needed before your patients travel [Destinations - Travelers' Health - CDC].

The Group on Immunization Education of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
The Group on Immunization Education of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

open here to download the recommendations (or see above):
CDC - Vaccine Info for Providers of Preteens-Teens-Adolescents - Vaccines

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