CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS©: Directorio de Documentos editados en ENERO 2010
un blog del conjunto salud equitativa®
Documentos editados durante 2009: 4.504
Consultas realizadas durante el año 2009: 118.241 (aproximadas)
Consultas acumuladas por el grupo de blogs de salud equitativa®, hasta el fin de enero de 2010: 376.805
CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS©: Directorio de documentos editados en ENERO de 2010
Creado el 10 de enero de 2009, el blog ha tomado entidad internacional a lo largo de su primer año de vida. Indudablemente aquella idea que me movió a crearlo, no estaba muy alejada de la realidad. Durante la última década del Siglo XX, América Latina recibía numerosas publicaciones médicas en idioma español que confluían desde distintas fuentes, pero esencialmente a través de editoriales que reproducían los contenidos según los derechos oportunamente comprometidos. A pesar de la repercusión que dicha presencia había generado en el cuerpo médico, la debilidad económica creciente en la región fue deformando el escenario haciendo desaparecer dicha fuente de información altamente calificada.
La inestabilidad económica y jurídica subsiguiente dio lugar a la casi total extinción de las mencionadas publicaciones tanto como de las empresas que las representaban y difundían. Ello se vio acompañado por un significativo deterioro del honorario médico, aspecto no menor que contribuyó a una notable caída en las suscripciones.
Ese corte comunicacional, acompañado por el crecimiento de la expansión de los servicios de internet produjo baches de información que han afectado a la comunidad médica tanto como a todos los miembros del equipo de salud. Países con economías deterioradas fueron generadores de aislamientos en el acceso a los conocimientos.
Internet trajo aparejado un importante aporte de información “deformada” de fuentes no calificadas pero de muy fácil acceso público lo que profundizó la brecha entre conocimiento e información, confrontando a las partes (médicos versus pacientes) y facilitando que la confusión creciente favoreciera negocios dañinos a la salud humana y por ende a la ética que debe regir a las ciencias.
Dado que durante muchos años he desarrollado tareas relacionadas con la información médica altamente calificada, decidí entonces investigar las fuentes americanas y europeas (a las que he tenido acceso desde mucho antes de la creación de internet como herramienta) a efectos de diseñar un mecanismo de información que sostenga continuidad brindando acceso a las guías clínicas, algoritmos, protocolos médicos, investigaciones, y proyectos relacionados con las materias médicas.
Existiendo ya “nichos” de calidad científica los fui adoptando como fuentes y me sorprendí de la repercusión inicial en América Latina tanto como en España. He ido aprendiendo de mis propias falencias ya que estoy muy lejos de ser un conocedor de internet como herramienta, pero la buena voluntad me ha habilitado a ir comprendiendo algunos mecanismos sutiles que ofrece todo este universo electrónico. Algunos amigos me han ayudado mucho a entender las bases y lo que no he logrado perfeccionar se debe a dos motivos esenciales: falta del tiempo adecuado para dar la atención que el tema amerita, y luego de ello, incapacidad económica para transformarlo en un motor de mayor envergadura.
A pesar de las manifiestas falencias, esta herramienta ha tomado entidad y me ha superado brindándome tantas satisfacciones que me genera un peculiar placer poder reunir a las fuentes y diseminar los accesos a una información que usualmente se pierde porque los profesionales de la salud están cortos de tiempo para poder tomar contacto con ella.
A pesar de mi resistencia inicial, fui descubriendo que se busca tanta información en idioma español como en idioma inglés. Hubiese preferido que la llave la constituyese el español pero me he ido convenciendo que ello es técnicamente imposible y en lo personal, no me da el tiempo para traducir la cantidad de documentos que me llegan diariamente. Dado que la medicina está invadida y dominada por documentos en inglés, este es la lengua que ofrece mayor cantidad de los contenidos incluidos en este blog.
Finalmente, una vez más agradezco profundamente a todas y cada una de las fuentes: Agencia Europea de Medicamentos, Food and Drug Administration-USA, National Institute of Health-USA; CDC-USA; AHRQ-USA; NGC-USA; NQMC-USA; Sociedad Internacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas [ISID], IntraMed, El Hospital (usa), El Médico Interactivo (España), (España), Diario Médico (España), y a todas las demás instituciones del gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y Europa, que nos aportan diariamente con información altamente calificada.
Pido disculpas por aquellas eventuales transgresiones o errores involuntarios que pudiese cometer en el afán de difundir conocimientos que asumo como de importancia.
Este blog se nutre de información en red que se distribuye gratuitamente y no monetiza los contenidos por respeto a las necesidades de los profesionales del equipo de la salud. Por dicho motivo, tengo la libertad de administrar la información que recibo sin emitir opinión (salvo excepciones que atentan contra la ética y/o bioética explícitas, o bien que invaden mis convicciones) y sin calificar como así tampoco descalificar a las fuentes. En lo personal entiendo que la información científico-médica debe ser de acceso universal ya que ello habilita a la discusión y al crecimiento del conocimiento. Cerasale©. ENERO 31, 2010.-
ranking de consultas hasta el 31 de ENERO de 2010:
1. Argentina: 23.647 – 17,8 %
2. España: 21.549 - 16,2%
3. México: 18.949 – 14,2 %
4. Estados Unidos: 12.037 - 9,0 %
5. Perú: 8.338 - 6,3 %
6. Venezuela: 8.098 - 6,1 %
7. Colombia: 7.471 - 5,6 %
8. Chile: 5.036 - 3,8 %
9. Ecuador: 3.494 - 2,6 %
10. Bolivia: 2.424 - 1,8%
el resto: 22.125 - 16,6 %
total: 133.168 - 100,0 %
• ▼ 2010 (509)
o ▼ enero (509)
0510. Extensive Mammalian Ancestry of Pandemic (H1N1) 20...
0509. New Hypothesis for Cause of Epidemic among Native ...
0508. Statewide School-located Influenza Vaccination Pro...
0507. Human Hendra Virus Encephalitis Associated with Eq...
0506. Household Responses to Pandemic (H1N1) 2009–relate...
0505. January 2010 (special pre-congress edition) of the...
0504. Zyprexa (olanzapine): Use in Adolescents
0503. Enerocytozoon bieneusi, Czech Republic | CDC EID
0502. P. falciparum Malaria, Southern Algeria, 2007 | CD...
0501. The February 2010 MedSun Newsletter
0500. Opinions on medicines for use outside the European...
0499. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) ...
0498. AHRQ News and Numbers: January 29, 2010
0497. HIV/AIDS Update - Videx EC/Videx (didanosine) labe...
0496. FDA Drug Safety Communication: Serious liver disor...
0495. Drug Information Update - Serious Liver Disorder A...
0494. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
0493. → Lopinavir (+ ritonavir) // EPARs for authorised me...
0492. Call for Public Review: Technology Assessment (TA)...
0491. Edwards Lifesciences Aquarius Hemodialysis System:...
0490. Using Museum Collections to Detect Pathogens | CDC...
0489. Human African Trypanosomiasis in Areas without Sur...
0488. Domestic Animals and Visceral Leishmaniasis, Nepal...
0487. Sin Nombre Virus, Colorado, USA | CDC EID
0486. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing Strain, Bamako,...
0485. Nontuberculous Mycobacteria, Taiwan | CDC EID
0484. M. tuberculosis Strains and Phenotypes | CDC EID
0483. XDR TB and Treatment Adherence | CDC EID
0482. HIV/AIDS Update - Prezista (darunavir) labeling ch...
0481. AHRQ and American College of Cardiology Collaborat...
0480. Outbreaks of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Amon...
0479. Effects of Switching from Whole to Low-Fat/Fat-Fre...
0478. Bacterial Meningitis After Intrapartum Spinal Anes...
0477. Imágenes intraoculares con ultrasonido // El Hospi...
0476. → insulin glargine [2] - EPARs for authorised medici...
0475. → Insulin aspart - EPARs for authorised medicinal ...
0474. → insulin glargine - EPARs for authorised medicina...
0473. → Sirolimus - EPARs for authorised medicinal product...
0472. → fentanyl - EPARs for authorised medicinal products...
0471. CA-MRSA in Outpatients, United States, 1999–2006, ...
0470. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Orph...
0469. Coronavirus Infections in Children | CDC EID
0468. Vol. 16, No. 2 Cover: Bird's Eye View of Emerging ...
0467. Risk of preterm delivery and other adverse perinat...
0466. 5th European Conference on Rare Diseases ECRD 2010...
0465. Cord Blood Licensure: A Workshop
0464. Centro de Terapia Estratégica - Seminario de Giorg...
0463. Assessment of Abuse Potential of Drugs, by FDA
0462. ▲ New Zealand Guidelines Group: Suspected Cancer in ...
0461. Liraglutide - Questions and Answers - Safety Requi...
0460. Vaccines: Recs/Schedules/Child Schedule main page
0459. Vaccines: Adult Immunization Scheduler
0458. Guidance for Relief Workers and Others Traveling t...
0457. →Irbesartan/ Hydrochlorothiazide - EPARs for auth...
0456. → irbesartan / hydrochlorothiazide - EPARs for auth...
0455. → Ziconotide - EPARs for authorised medicinal produc...
0454. → European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Marketi...
0453. → Human Insulin - EPARs for authorised medicinal p...
0452. → Pregabalin - EPARs for authorised medicinal prod...
0451. → Interferon beta-1a //EPARs for authorised medicina...
0450. → clopidogrel - EPARs for authorised medicinal produ...
0449. → fentanyl citrate - EPARs for authorised medicinal...
0448. NCTR Research Highlights
0447. Call for Public Review: Systematic Reviews on Sele...
0446. FDA Approves Morphine Sulfate Oral Solution for Re...
0445. Blood Establishment Computer Software: Understandi...
0444. Rho(D) Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human) - WinRh...
0443. Infusion Set Needles [Manufactured by Nipro for Ex...
0442. Velcade (bortezomib): Starting Dose Adjustments fo...
0441. 1) Screening for breast cancer: U.S. Preventive Se...
0440. Using nontraditional risk factors in coronary hear...
0439. Sunitinib for the first-line treatment of advanced...
0438. Rivaroxaban for the prevention of venous thromboem...
0437. Endovascular stent-grafts for the treatment of abd...
0436. Amantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir for the trea...
0435. Management of labor.
0434. Major depression in adults in primary care.
0433. Liraglutide (marketed as Victoza) Information
0432. Children Ages 9 and Younger Need Two Doses of H1N1...
0431. Las células sanas podrán sobrevivir al daño que le...
0430. Evidence-based care guideline for pneumocystis car...
0429. Evidence-based care guideline for therapy manageme...
0428. Best evidence statement (BESt). Intra-hospital reg...
0427. Best evidence statement (BESt). Inpatient support ...
0426. Best evidence statement (BESt). Failure to thrive ...
0425. National Vaccine Advisory Committee
0424. COPD, Even When Mild, Limits Heart Function - NHL...
0422. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Orph...
0421. Gene linked to schizophrenia may reduce cancer ris...
0420. A Variant Of The Gene GFI1 Predisposes To A Subtyp...
0419. Personal Health - Living With C.M.L, a Formerly Fa...
0418. The Cancer Genome Atlas Data Portal
0417. The Cancer Genome Atlas Identifies Distinct Subtyp...
0416. → ustekinumab - EPARs for authorised medicinal produ...
0415. Homodimer of B-chain of recombinant human platelet...
0414. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
0413. FDA Approves Left Ventricular Assist System for Se...
0412. X-Ray Technician Schools: guides
0410. SARM - ISID/resistencia y subtipos
0409. MALARIA - ISID / COLOMBIA: aumento de casos
0408. Exercise-induced Bronchoconstriction and Asthma: S...
0407. Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Labe...
0406. Counterfeit Product containing undeclared drug, si...
0405. dalfampridine: Improve Walking in Adults with Mult...
0404. ISMP medication error report analysis - AHRQ Patie...
0403. Improving follow-up of abnormal cancer screens usi...
0402. → natalizumab - EPARs for authorised medicinal produ...
0401. ☼ November 18-19, 2009: Vaccines and Related Biologi...
0400. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Refe...
0399. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - CHMP...
0398. → Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - HMPC...
0397. → Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Adop...
0396. → Ivabradine - EPARs for authorised medicinal produc...
0395. → Ivabradine - EPARs for authorised medicinal prod...
0394. → Aprepitant - EPARs for authorised medicinal produc...
0393. → Peginterferon alfa-2b // EPARs for authorised medi...
0392. → ribavirin SP - EPARs for authorised medicinal pro...
0391. → Peginterferon alfa-2b // EPARs for authorised medi...
0390. → ribavirin - EPARs for authorised medicinal produ...
0389. → nilotinib - EPARs for authorised medicinal product...
0388. → Hepatitis B surface antigen (rDNA) (adjuvanted, ad...
0387. → atosiban acetate - EPARs for authorised medicina...
0386. → palivizumab - EPARs for authorised medicinal produ...
0385. → Botulinum Toxin Type B - EPARs for authorised me...
0384. CDC - Seasonal Influenza (Flu) - Weekly Report: In...
0383. Update: Influenza Activity --- United States, Augu...
0382. Comunidades Microbianas Humanas - ISID
0381. Association between pre-diagnostic circulating vit...
0380. Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina E...
0378. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009/2010 - update 84
0377. FDA - CDER's Small Business Assistance Bulletin
0376. Medical, Statistical, and Clinical Pharmacology Re...
0375. Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2009
0374. Screening for Obesity in Children and Adolescents
0373. 10 Patient Safety Tips for Hospitals
0372. Emerging Arboviruses: Evaluating the Threat to Tra...
0370. Long-Term Follow-Up Guidelines for Survivors of Ch...
0369. Update on Chemotherapy for Stage IV Non-Small Cell...
0368. Entrenamiento para el Diagnóstico y el Manejo Clín...
0367. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / TAILANDIA
0366. Grants Focused on Health Care-Associated Infection...
0365. November 18-19, 2009: Vaccines and Related Biologi...
0364. "'Choking Game' Awareness and Participation Among ...
0363. Interim Results: Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalen...
0362. Update: Influenza Activity
0361. Transfusion-Related Transmission of Yellow Fever V...
0360. Prevalence of Abnormal Lipid Levels Among Youths
0359. Tasa muerte infantil H1N1, mucho mayor en Gran Bre...
0358. Drug Information Update- Follow-Up to the November...
0357. FDA Warns Consumers about Counterfeit Alli
0356. sibutramine hydrochloride: New contraindication to...
0355. Meeting of the NIH Blue Ribbon
0354. Adult Immunization Schedule - (Anyone over 18 yea...
0353. → fosaprepitant dimeglumine - EPARs for authorised...
0352. → tacrolimus - EPARs for authorised medicinal prod...
0351. → certolizumab pegol - EPARs for authorised medici...
0350. → darifenacin hydrobromide - EPARs for authorised me...
0349. Systemic Administration of Antiretrovirals Prior t...
0348. G protein–coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) modulat...
0347. Impact of Body Mass Index and the Metabolic Syndro...
0346. The Role of Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemi...
0345. Chronic Hepatitis B: Update 2009
0344. AHRQ Child and Adolescent Health Update
0343. Systematic Reviews on Selected Pharmacogenetic Tes...
0342. → sitaxentan sodium - EPAR´s for human use
0341. → sildenafil (as citrate) - EPAR´s for human use
0340. → Etanercept - EPAR´s for human use
0339. → Desirudin - EPAR´s for human use
0338. → Withdrawals of Application - Medicinal Products fo...
0337. International Medical Corps
0336. → temsirolimus - EPAR´s for human use
0335. USDA Confirms Pork From Pigs Exposed to H1N1 Virus...
0334. ►Autism Autism Autism Autism Autism Autism Autism
0333. Work-related proximal median nerve entrapment (PMN...
0332. Work-related acute cauda equina syndrome (CES) dia...
0331. Managing chronic non-terminal pain including presc...
0330. Diagnosis and pharmacological management of Parkin...
0329. Management of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infect...
0328. Rehabilitation after critical illness. - NGC / AHR...
0327. (1) Donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine (review) ...
0326. Medicines adherence. Involving patients in decisio...
0325. Antisocial personality disorder. Treatment, manage...
0324. ◊ Diagnosis and management of type 2 diabetes mellit...
0323. ► Antithrombotic therapy supplement. - NGC AHRQ
0322. ◊ Intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring: nomenclat...
0321. ▲ Induction of labor - NGC/AHRQ -
0320. Investigators Identify Gene Mutations That Predisp...
0319. Discovery at JGH opens door to new treatments for ...
0318. Complex genomic rearrangements in breast cancer - ...
0317. SNPs In C-Reactive Protein Are Not Associated With...
0316. Researchers Discover Genetic Differences Between L...
0315. Genetic Factors Can Increase Leukaemia Risk Seven-...
0314. Gene Mutations Reveal Potential New Targets For Tr...
0313. HANTAVIRUS - ISID / CHILE: actualización
0312. Unas 14000 personas han fallecido por gripe A en e...
0311. Vaccines: Recs/Schedules/Adult Schedule main page
0310. → fluticasone furoate - EPARs for authorised medici...
0309. → fluticasone furoate - EPARs for authorised medicin...
0308. → Duloxetine hydrochloride - EPARs for authorised me...
0307. → Duloxetine hydrochloride - EPARs for authorised m...
0306. → Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Guid...
0305. Red Book® Online -- Vaccine Status Table
0304. Journal Articles: Potential New Vaccines
0303. Breast cancer multigene test helping patients avoi...
0302. Genetic Variant Associated With Aggressive Form Of...
0301. EGFR Gene Signature Predicts Non-Small Cell Lung C...
0300. Drug That Modifies Gene Activity Could Help Some O...
0299. Genetic aspects of pancreatitis. [Annu Rev Med. 20...
0298. Multistage Genomewide Association Study Identifies...
0297. Genetic variation in IL28B Is Associated with Chro...
0296. Genetic causes of syndromic and non-syndromic auti...
0295. Pharmacogenetic influences in obstetric anaesthesi...
0294. Pharmacogenetics of drug dependence: role of gene ...
0293. Gene-environment interactions in asthma and allerg...
0292. Pharmacogenomics of taxane/platinum therapy in ova...
0291. FDA's MedWatch Safety Alerts: December 2009
0289. ▲ Detección de cáncer gástrico temprano - El Hospita...
0288. * 2 - HEPATOLOGÍA: Servicio de Gastroenterología y H...
0287. HAITÍ: CATÁSTROFE HUMANITARIA - IntraMed - Artícul...
0286. * HEPATITIS - Puesta al día en Hepatitis - IntraMed ...
0285. * 1 - GASTROENTEROLOGÍA: Servicio de Gastroenterolog...
0284. Serious Psychological Distress and Mental Health S...
0283. Fact Sheet: Information on HHS BPA Announcement
0281. Interim Results: Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalen...
0280. Hipotermia en pacientes psiquiátricos - ISID / CUB...
0279. infecciones nosocomiales - ISID / IRLANDA
0277. Guidelines for Responding to Mental Health Crisis ...
0275. McNeil Consumer Healthcare Announces Voluntary Rec...
0274. February 22, 2010: Meeting of the Vaccines and Rel...
0273. McNeil Consumer Healthcare Over-The-Counter Produc...
0272. Commissioners Letter to Health Care Professionals
0271. → European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
0270. Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake Strikes Haiti
0269. ► Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness ...
0268. → pandemic influenza vaccine (whole virion, vero cel...
0267. → Pandemic influenza vaccine (surface antigen, inact...
0266. → Ritonavir - EPARs for authorised medicinal produ...
0265. → Amprenavir - EPARs for authorised medicinal pro...
0264. Un hígado virtual para una cirugía personalizada -...
0263. AHRQ Activities Using Community-Based Participator...
0262. SOCIEDAD ARGENTINA de MEDICINA: comunicación
0261. Follow-Up to the October 2008 Updated Early Commun...
0260. FDA Updates Earlier Guidance on Respiratory Treatm...
0259. QuickStats: Pregnancy, Birth, Abortion, and Fetal ...
0258. Notices to Readers: New Look for MMWR Weekly Publi...
0257. Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule --- United...
0256. Announcements: National Glaucoma Awareness Month -...
0255. Outbreak of Adenovirus 14 Respiratory Illness --- ...
0254. "Choking Game" Awareness and Participation Among 8...
0253. ╠ Trompa de Falopio humana: una nueva fuente de célu...
0252. ▲ Densitómetros óseos - El Hospital: Información par...
0251. → Sevelamer - EPARs for authorised medicinal product...
0250. * IntraMed - Puntos de vista - Integración del medio...
0249. NEJM -- Comparison of Ustekinumab and Etanercept f...
0248. NCSDR : Sleep-Related Data Resources
0247. Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine Live, I...
0246. Adverse drug events among hospitalized Medicare pa...
0245. Diagnostic error and clinical reasoning - AHRQ Pat...
0244. Quality and Safety Competencies in Nursing Educati...
0243. Obstetric Issues - AHRQ Patient Safety Network
0242. ANTIBIÓTICOS: uso irracional - ISID / ITALIA
0241. Influenza A pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus infection i...
0240. RABIA - República Dominicana / ISID
0237. Search for Guides, Reviews, and Reports - AHRQ Eff...
0236. → brinzolamide/timolol - EPARs for authorised medici...
0235. → trabectedin - EPARs for authorised medicinal produ...
0234. → nelarabine - EPARs for authorised medicinal produ...
0233. → Alglucosidase alfa - EPARs for human use - Myozy...
0232. → Efavirenz - EPARs for authorised medicinal product...
0231. → Efavirenz - EPARs for authorised medicinal produc...
0230. → Lopinavir (+ ritonavir) - EPARs for authorised med...
0229. → lopinavir / ritonavir - Opinions on medicines for ...
0228. Cocaine-related sudden death: a prospective invest...
0227. JAMA -- Abstract: Association of a Functional Poly...
0226. Obesity is associated with a higher risk of clear-...
0225. Prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE): does t...
0224. Methods Reference Guide for Effectiveness and Comp...
0223. Using GRADE for International Guidelines on Kidney...
0222. Interpreting the U.S. Preventive Services Task For...
0221. Shortage of Erythromycin (0.5%) Ophthalmic Ointmen...
0220. Hormonal Contraceptives Offer Benefits Beyond Preg...
0219. ♣ Management of meconium at birth.
0218.♣ Management guidelines for obstetric patients and n...
0217. ♣ Antithrombotic therapies in spine surgery.
0216. Prophylaxis against infective endocarditis. Antimi...
0215. Call for Public Review: ECG-based Signal Analysis ...
0214. Personalized Medicine — Method Developed To Identi...
0213. FDA's MedWatch Safety Alerts: December 2009
0212. FDA Unveils First Phase of Transparency Initiative...
0211. Zinc acetate dihydrate - EPARs for authorised med...
0210. FDA Approves New Drug for Rheumatoid Arthritis
0209. Risk of tuberculosis in patients treated with tumo...
0208. MGH-KI-Cell Press Days of Molecular Medicine - mee...
0207. Ebolavirus VP35 uses a bimodal strategy to bind ds...
0206. A gene therapy approach for long-term normalizatio...
0205. Research Activities, January 2010: Mental Health: ...
0204. ▲ Diabetes in pregnancy. Management of diabetes and ...
0203. Routine preventive services for infants and childr...
0202. Routine preventive services for children and adole...
0201. Prevention of unintended pregnancy in adults 18 ye...
0200. ► Management of overweight and obesity in the adult....
0199. ► Guidelines for the practice of diabetes education....
0198. * IntraMed - Puntos de vista - Utilidad del método e...
0197. * IntraMed - Artículos - Chagas: ¡Tenemos que hacer ...
0196. FDA Approves New Drug for Rheumatoid Arthritis
0195. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009/2010 - update 82
0194. CDC H1N1 Flu | Flu information for People with Dia...
0193. FDA MedWatch - December 2009 Drug Safety Labeling ...
0192. sirolimus: Drug Monitoring Recommendations-Switchi...
0191. Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Cases, Buenos Aires, Argentin...
0190. Extensive Mammalian Ancestry of Pandemic (H1N1) 20...
0189. Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Outbreak on a Pig Farm, Argen...
0188. ► Management of anticoagulants: does the hospital ha...
0187. ► Management of anticoagulants: does the hospital ha...
0186. ► Primary biliary cirrhosis.
0185. ► Management of adult patients with ascites due to c...
0184. ▲Diagnosis, management, and treatment of hepatitis ...
0183. Interferón pegilado alfa-2a más ribavirina muestra...
0182. Los 'stent' con everolimus son mejores que los de ...
0181. → etravirine - EPARs for authorised medicinal produ...
0180. → maraviroc - EPARs for authorised medicinal product...
0179. → Posaconazole - EPARs for authorised medicinal pro...
0178. Technology Assessment: Report on the Relative Effi...
0177. Technology Assessment: Report on the Relative Effi...
0176. Technology Assessment: Report on the Relative Effi...
0175. Technology Assessment: Report on the Relative Effi...
0174. Spinal Fusion for the Treatment of Low Back Pain S...
0173. Pediatric adverse drug events in the outpatient se...
0172. An In Depth Investigation into Causes of Prescribi...
0171. Contraindicated medication use in dialysis patient...
0170. A small step towards personalized medicine for non...
0169. Novel loci for major depression identified by geno...
0168. Advances in molecular genetics of panic disorder. ...
0167. Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 ...
0166. Famly history of cancer and risk of pancreatic can...
0165. Familial risk for chronic disease and intent to sh...
0164. Prioritizing genes for follow-up from genome wide ...
0163. Genetics of cholestatic liver disease in 2010. [Cu...
0162. Synopsis and Data Synthesis of Genetic Association...
0161. Genome-Wide Association Studies of MRI-Defined Bra...
0160. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / USA: análisis de mor...
0159. Rabia Humana - Perú / ISID
0158. ◊ Science Report - Revista Digital de CEDEPAP TV / ...
0157. Detecting Adverse Events in Dermatologic Surgery. ...
0156. How Safe Is Your Hospital? - AHRQ Patient Safety ...
0155. GMC | An in depth investigation into causes of pre...
0154. FDA Awards Contract to Harvard Pilgrim to Develop ...
0153. Human Genome Epidemiology
0152. Genetic risk of breast cancer. [Minerva Endocrinol...
0151. The Hindu : Sci-Tech : Genomic differences identif...
0150. Hereditary Factors Contribute To Aneurysm Formatio...
0149. Gene Found for Childhood Asthma | Ivanhoe's Medica...
0148. New key factor identified in the development of Al...
0147. PHG Foundation | First report of vCJD without susc...
0146. Microcephaly Genes Associated With Human Brain Siz...
0145. New Chromosomal Screening Strategy May Overcome Pr...
0144. News: Scientists Pinpoint New Target for Prostate ...
0143. High Risk Of Colorectal, Endometrial And Lynch Syn...
0142. Chicago Cancer Genome Project Studies Genetics Of ...
0141. 'Junk DNA' Could Spotlight Breast And Bowel Cancer...
0140. Israeli Medical Research Offers New Hope For Treat...
0139. CSHL scientist discovers how bookmarking protein t...
0138. Genes implicated in twins' autism - baltimoresun.c...
0137. * IntraMed - Investigaciones IntraMed - Estudio DELP...
0136. * IntraMed - Noticias médicas - Conclusiones de las ...
0135. Disquinesia ciliar primaria: estado actual de los ...
0134. Recall: Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine...
0133. Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral - ROTARIX
0132. InterSol Solution/Platelet Additive Solution 3
0131. CDC | TB Notes 4, 2009 | Highlights from state and...
0129. CDC | TB Notes 4, 2009 | New CDC Publications
0128. HIV/AIDS Update - Atripla label update reflects ne...
0127. AHRQ Innovations Exchange | Remote Screening, Diag...
0126. → tocilizumab - EPARs for authorised medicinal produ...
0125. → adalimumab - EPARs for authorised medicinal produc...
0124. → Parecoxib sodium - EPARs for authorised medicinal...
0123. En breve se secuenciarán los primeros diez genomas...
0122. ► Breast Cancer Screening With Imaging: Recommendati...
0121. Vaccines: Vac-Gen/Side Effects
0120. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - CHMP...
0119. FDA MedWatch - January 2010 FDA Patient Safety New...
0118. QuickStats: Late Preterm Birth Rates,* by Pluralit...
0117. Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Age...
0116. Announcement: National Birth Defects Prevention Mo...
0115. Announcement: National Influenza Vaccination Week ...
0114. Outbreak of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) at a ...
0113. Patients Hospitalized with 2009 Pandemic Influenza...
0112. Multistate Outbreak of Human Salmonella Typhimuriu...
0111. Hispanic Diabetes Disparities Learning Network in ...
0110. El glaucoma no sólo afecta a los ojos, sino tambié...
0109. Announcement: National Influenza Vaccination Week ...
0108. Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Age...
0107. The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness ...
0106. Genomic toggle switches divide autoimmune diseases...
0105. H pylori activa una enzima relacionada con el canc...
0104. * IntraMed - Artículos - Efecto de solución oftálmic...
0103. * IntraMed - Noticias médicas - Nuevo descubrimiento...
0102. * IntraMed - Noticias médicas - Alerta por la aparic...
0101. ►NGC - Compare - Comparison / TOBACCO USE CESSATION...
0100. Research Activities, January 2010: Mental Health: ...
0099. Research Activities, January 2010: Mental Health: ...
0098. Research Activities, January 2010: Patient Safety ...
0097. El nivel de microalbuminuria en orina no permite d...
0096. La misma proteína que le quita el calcio a los hue...
0095. Use of Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs Increases Risk...
0094. AHRQ Electronic Newsletter, Issue #285 - Today’s H...
0093. CDC H1N1 Flu | Fact Sheet: Safety of the Flu Vacci...
0092. Massachusetts Department of Mental Retardation hea...
0091. ♦ (1) Clinical practice guideline for the management...
0090. ☼ Pediatric eye evaluations: I. Screening. II. Compr...
0089. ☼ Primary angle closure.
0088. ☼ Screening for glaucoma: recommendation statement.
0087. ☼Primary open-angle glaucoma.
0086. ☼ Primary open-angle glaucoma suspect.
0085. ☼ Adult preventive services (ages 50 - 65+).
0084. ☼ Cervical cancer screening guideline: October 2006....
0083. ☼ Screening for cervical cancer. In: Canadian consen...
0082. H1N1 - ISID / INMUNIZACIÓN con respuesta inadecuad...
0081. HANTAVIRUS - ISID / CHILE: actualización
0080. Why don't we have all the evidence on oseltamivir?...
0079. ▲ Antidepressant Medicines - A Guide for Adults With...
0078. Navigating the Health Care System: Comparing Medic...
0077. Horizon Scan Reports of Genetic Tests Currently Av...
0076. [PEPFAR - INDIA]
0075. Vaccines: Events/Calendar of Upcoming Meetings-Con...
0074. ev3 Endovascular Inc. Trailblazer Support Catheter...
0073. Biologics Sentinel Initiative Projects
0072. →aripiprazole - European Medicines Agency - Withdra...
0071. → lisuride - European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals...
0070. The Rho/Rac exchange factor Vav2 controls nitric o...
0069. Statewide school-located influenza vaccination pro...
0067. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 14: Treatment strategies for MDR-TB a...
0066. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 13: Treatment of DR-TB in special con...
0065. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 12: Treatment delivery and community-...
0064. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 11: Mono-resistant and poly-resistant...
0063. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 10: Managing DR-TB through patient-ce...
0062. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 9: Management of second-line antitube...
0061. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 8: Management of patients after MDR-T...
0060. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 7: Management of contacts of MDR-TB p...
0059. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 6: Laboratory aspects. In: Guidelines...
0058. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 5: Initial evaluation, monitoring of ...
0057. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 4: Drug resistance and infection cont...
0056. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 3: DR-TB and HIV infection. In: Guide...
0055. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 2: Category IV recording and reportin...
0054. ♦ TUBERCULOSIS 1 - Case-finding strategies. In: Guid...
0053. ▲ Management of acute lower gastrointestinal (GI) bl...
0052.► - KIDNEY NGC - Expert Resources - Expert Co...
0050. Un estudio del Valle de Hebrón confirma que la rel...
0049. → thrombin alfa - European Medicines Agency - Withdr...
0048. → iclaprim - European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals...
0047. → ethyl eicosapent - European Medicines Agency - Wit...
0046. → stiripentol - EPARs for authorised medicinal prod...
0045. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
0044. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
0043. Listening to tailor-made notched music reduces tin...
0042. NEJM -- Variants of DENND1B Associated with Asthma...
0041. MALARIA - ISID / VENEZUELA: aumento de casos
0040. → Paediatric Regulation / European Medicines Agency ...
0039. → CHILDREN / European Medicines Agency - Human Medic...
0038. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medi...
0037. Rabia Humana - Colombia / ISID
0036. Pfizer interrumpe un ensayo en fase III con figitu...
0035. Construyendo puentes, pacientes, mucho más que enf...
0034. ♣ ICSI - Menopause and Hormone Therapy (HT): Collabo...
0033. Broken Genomes Behind Breast Cancers - Genome Rear...
0032. CHAGAS - ISID / ARGENTINA: subestimación
0031. Clostridium difficile, creciente infección extra-h...
0030. ♣ ICSI - Perioperative (Protocol)
0029. ♣ ICSI - Safe Site Invasive Procedure – Non-Operatin...
0028. ♣ ICSI - Surgical Site Infection Prevention in Child...
0027. ♣ ICSI - Surgical Site Infection Prevention in Adult...
0026. ICSI - ACS: Chest Pain and Acute Coronary Syndrome...
0025. Glutathione-S-transferase genes and asthma phenoty...
0024. Development of a Pharmacogenetic Predictive Test i...
0023. Eating disorders: the current status of molecular ...
0022. Value of genetic testing in the otological approac...
0021. The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness ...
0020. Disclosing the disclosure: factors associated with...
0019. Zinc Fingers Could Be Key to Reviving Gene Therapy...
0018. Is The Future Of Genomic Sciences Large-Scale Sequ...
0017. Yale Researchers Create New Way To Locate Big Gene...
0016. An investigation of patients' motivations for thei...
0015. The promises and challenges of epigenetic epidemio...
0014. Genetics research in systemic lupus erythematosus ...
0013. Genetic polymorphisms in non-alcoholic fatty liver...
0012. Genetic polymorphisms in dilated cardiomyopathy. [...
0011. Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Ep...
0010. Subjective versus objective risk in genetic counse...
0009. Navigating the Teen Years: A Parent's Handbook for...
0008. Women's Mental Health: What It Means to You
0007. Action Steps for Improving Women’s Mental Health
0006. MedSun update: Newsletter #44, January 2010 by FDA...
0005. ▲ MEPREP: FDA, Health Organizations to Study Safety ...
0004. Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated: Havrix by FDA
0003. Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant): Engerix-B by FD...
0002. von Willebrand Factor/Coagulation Factor VIII Comp...
0001. Nzu, Traditional Remedy for Morning Sickness
• ► 2009 (4504)
• ▼ 2009 (4504)
o ▼ diciembre (578)
4491. MEPREP: Medication Exposure in Pregnancy Risk Eval...
4490. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - update 81
4489. La ÉTICA por sobre TODAS las COSAS
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