viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2020

The Lancet's COVID-19 Resource Centre: the costs of pandemic preparedness if current COVID-19 transmission levels are maintained, and more.

Coronavirus CR: Maurizio De Angelis

Dear Victor Norberto,
Editor's Pick: An Article in The Lancet Global Health discusses the costs of pandemic preparedness if current COVID-19 transmission levels are maintained or scenarios where transmission is increased or decreased by 50%. The modelling study projected the number of COVID-19 cases for 73 LMICs for each scenario for both 4 and 12-week timeframes. The cost estimate for the COVID-19 response if transmission levels are maintained is US$52∙45 billion over 4 weeks. For decreased or increased transmission scenarios, the total is US$33∙08 billion and US$61∙92 billion respectively, with costs tripling under the 12 weeks scenarios. The main cost drivers were clinical case management (54%), maintaining essential services (21%), rapid response and case investigation
(14%), and infection prevention and control (9%). The authors assert that sizeable costs of a COVID-19 response in the health sector will escalate, particularly if transmission increases, highlighting the importance of working to reduce virus transmission and contain costs. Read the Article here.
We hope you find the Resource Centre on COVID-19 to be informative. 
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Yours sincerely,
The Lancet

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