miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

National Plan to Enable Comprehensive COVID-19 Case Finding and Contact Tracing in the U.S. | NLM

Disaster Information Management Research Center | NLM

Disaster Information and Emergency Response

04/10/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: Center for Health Security [Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health]. Published: 4/10/2020. This 16-page plan, published with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), outlines a vision for how to manage COVID-19 epidemics going forward, including ways that case identification and contact tracing capabilities can be greatly expanded; actions that the federal, state, and local governments and other organizations must take to stand up these capabilities as quickly as possible; and resources that will be needed to accomplish comprehensive case finding and contact tracing. (PDF)

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