miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates | COVID-19

Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates

Disaster Information and Emergency Response

04/28/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: World Health Organization (WHO). Published: 4/28/2020. This 13-page document provides a table that details classification of COVID-19 experimental treatment types and names. It also provides information about the living map of ongoing research, and living synthesis of study results. (PDF)
04/28/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: World Health Organization (WHO). Published: 4/28/2020. This 20-page document was created to support local authorities, leaders, and policymakers in cities and other urban settlements in identifying effective approaches and implementing recommended actions that enhance the prevention, preparedness, and readiness for COVID-19 in urban settings, to ensure a robust response and eventual recovery. (PDF)
04/26/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Published: 4/26/2020. This three-page fact sheet informs healthcare providers of the significant known and potential risks and benefits of the emergency use of the SARS-CoV-2 IgG assay, which received an Emergency Use Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration on April 26, 2020. SARS-CoV-2 IgG assay can be ordered by a healthcare provider to detect if there has been an adaptive immune response to COVID-19, indicating a recent or prior infection. (PDF)
04/26/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: World Health Organization (WHO). Published: 4/26/2020. This four-page document describes the World Health Organization's convening of a group of experts to design a clinical trial for an effective treatment against COVID-19 that could be implemented in several countries with similar methodology, and primary and secondary outcomes that could be comparable. The overall goal is a large international study designed to generate robust data to rapidly demonstrate which treatments are the most effective. The core protocol should provide simplified procedures to enable even hospitals that have been overloaded to participate. (PDF)
04/25/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Published: 4/25/2020. This three-page fact sheet informs healthcare providers of the emergency use of the VitalPatch Biosensor when used in the hospital setting for remote monitoring and detection of changes in the QT interval of an electrocardiogram (ECG) in general care (not in the intensive care unit) patients who are 18 years of age or older and are undergoing treatment for COVID-19 drugs that can prolong QT intervals and may cause life threatening arrhythmias (e.g., hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, especially when used in combination with azithromycin). Such remote monitoring may reduce healthcare provider exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. (PDF)
04/24/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe. Published: 4/24/2020. This 20-page document provides key considerations for Member States to help them decide on the modulation of large-scale restrictive public health measures (i.e., movement restrictions and large-scale physical distancing) during the COVID-19 pandemic, while at the same time strengthening core public health service capacities (to identify, isolate, test, and treat every patient and quarantine contacts) together with personal protective measures (hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette) and individual physical distancing. (PDF)
04/24/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC). Published: 4/24/2020. This one-hour, two-minute webinar reviews the landscape of laboratory testing for COVID-19, focusing on different testing platforms, prioritization of testing, and biosafety implications. (Video or Multimedia)
04/24/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Published: 4/24/2020. This three-page fact sheet informs healthcare providers of the significant known and potential risks and benefits of the emergency use of the LIAISON®SARS-CoVs S1/S2 IgG assay, which received an Emergency Use Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration on April 24, 2020. The LIAISON®SARS-CoVs S1/S2 IgG assay can be ordered by a healthcare provider to detect if there has been an adaptive immune response to COVID-19, indicating a recent or prior infection. (PDF)
04/24/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Published: 4/24/2020. This three-page fact sheet informs healthcare providers of the significant known and potential risks and benefits of the emergency use of the VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Reagent Pack assay, which received an Emergency Use Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration on April 24, 2020. The VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Reagent Pack assay can be ordered by a healthcare provider to detect if there has been an adaptive immune response to COVID-19, indicating a recent or prior infection. (PDF)
04/24/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Published: 4/24/2020. This three-page fact sheet informs healthcare providers of the significant known and potential risks and benefits of the emergency use of the Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Test, which received an Emergency Use Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration on April 24, 2020. The Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Test can be ordered by a healthcare provider to detect if there has been an adaptive immune response to COVID-19, indicating a recent or prior infection. (PDF)
04/23/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: Resolve to Save Lives. Published: 4/23/2020. This COVID-19 resource, developed with Vital Strategies, is an Excel calculator that helps estimate staff resources needed for scaling up contact tracing. (Text)
04/22/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: American Public Health Association (APHA). Published: 4/22/2020. This one-hour, 30-minute webinar, the fifth in the COVID-19 Conversations webinar series, gives an update on testing for COVID-19, what data different tests will provide, how that data can be used to inform plans to ease physical distancing, and the equity issues that must be considered regarding what populations can access testing and how to ensure equal access for all. (Video or Multimedia)
04/22/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). Published: 4/22/2020. As serological testing for SARS-CoV-2 advances, there are multiple issues that need to be addressed, from test quality to interpretation. This three-page document outlines the current state of antibody testing for SARS-CoV-2, along with research questions and additional testing and policy considerations. (PDF)
04/21/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Infectious Diseases (CDC OID). Published: 4/21/2020. This web page provides information and key concepts about contact tracing in the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides a list of resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, other organizations, other federal agencies, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and academia. (Text)
04/20/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: World Health Organization (WHO). Published: 4/20/2020. On April 7-8, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) Information Network for Epidemics (EPI-WIN) held a two-day global online consultation on managing the COVID-19 infodemic, which is an over-abundance of information – some accurate and some not – that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it. This page provides meeting notes, videos and presentations, and summaries of all talks at the meeting. (Video or Multimedia)
04/19/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: World Health Organization (WHO). Published: 4/19/2020. This 12-page document describes a large, international, randomized controlled clinical trial that is designed to enable an expeditious, agile, and concurrent evaluation of the benefits and risks of multiple candidate preventive vaccines against COVID-19 at international sites with sufficient COVID-19 attack rates. (PDF)
04/16/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Published: 4/16/2020. This spreadsheet tool estimates the vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) concentration in air of rooms used for VHP N95 mask disinfection systems. The tool employs a single-zone mass balance analysis that accounts for room size, VHP losses to surfaces, and air change rate. (Text)
04/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: Resolve to Save Lives. Published: 4/2020. This 16-page playbook, published with Vital Strategies, is a resource to help decision-makers manage and adapt COVID-19 responses as they move through different phases of the response from preparedness through recovery. The tool features a user guide, glossary, COVID-19 response essential checklist, and an interactive adaptive response graphic that links to key principles and high-yield tools tailored to different phases of the disease curve. (PDF)
04/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: RAND Corporation. Published: 4/2020. This tool allows decision-makers at all levels — hospitals, healthcare systems, states, and regions — to estimate current critical care capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic and rapidly explore strategies for increasing it. (Text)
04/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). Published: 4/2020. This web page provides information about upcoming COVID-19-related webinars from the American College of Emergency Physicians, and links to recordings of previously held webinars. (Video or Multimedia)
03/20/2020 12:00 AM EDT

Source: National Interagency Fire Center. Published: 3/20/2020. This guidance provides National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) recommendations for infectious disease prevention, planning, identification, and response during wildland fire incident management activities. It does not supersede the guidance or direction of local health authorities but supplements existing direction from them. (Text)
01/10/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency [Department of Homeland Security] (FEMA). Published: 1/10/2020. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s Individual and Community Preparedness Division (ICPD) supports the FEMA mission by connecting individuals, organizations, and communities with research and tools to build and sustain capabilities to prepare for any disaster or emergency, which are provided on this web page. Topics include Protective Action Research; National Household Survey Findings; Citizen Preparedness Surveys Database (2005-2014); Preparedness in America: September 2013; Awareness to Action: A Workshop on Motivating the Public to Prepare (2012); and Personal Preparedness Survey Findings. (Text)

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