jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

Israeli startup can predict the spread of Covid-19 - ISRAEL21c

Israeli startup can predict the spread of Covid-19 - ISRAEL21c



Israeli startup can predict the spread of Covid-19

Diagnostic Robotics is based on a decade of research by the 33-year-old Ukrainian-born Kira Radinsky, one of Israel’s top tech stars.

 APRIL 16, 2020, 8:49 AM
Brian Blum
Brian has been a journalist and high-tech entrepreneur for over 20 years. He combines this expertise for ISRAEL21c as he writes about hot new local startups, pharmaceutical advances, scientific discoveries, culture, the arts and daily life in Israel. He loves hiking the country with his family (and blogging about it). Originally from California, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and three children.

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