martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018

Updates to NCBI Assembly (release 1.25-1.26) | NCBI Insights

Updates to NCBI Assembly (release 1.25-1.26) | NCBI Insights

National Library of Medicine

09/24/2018 03:25 PM EDT

We’ve been making improvements to the NCBI Assembly resource. Highlights from the past two releases, 1.25 and 1.26, include: UCSC assembly names added as searchable synonyms for most of the recent assemblies in the UCSC Genome Browser Scope expanded to … Continue reading 
09/24/2018 01:22 PM EDT

GenBank release 227.0 (8/13/2018) has 208,831,050 traditional records including non-bulk-oriented TSA) containing 260,806,936,411 base pairs of sequence data. There are also 665,309,765 WGS records containing 3,204,855,013,281 base pairs of sequence data, 249,295,386 bulk-oriented TSA records containing 225,520,004,678 base pairs of … Continue reading 

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