jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

Free Training for Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals

Free Training for Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals


Free Training Opportunities
Presented by the National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare
Online Training for Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals
The National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW) just launched an enhanced and updated online tutorial for substance abuse treatment professionals. Through this course, you can learn more about the impact of child welfare and dependency court requirements on parents who are in substance use disorder treatment and who are involved with the child welfare system. The course is designed to highlight key considerations and effective strategies for working with these families to achieve reunification and recovery. This course is approved for 4.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Take the Free Online Course
NCSACW Tutorials for Child Welfare and Court Professionals
We encourage you to work with your child welfare and court partners to ensure these systems receive training on serving families affected by substance use disorders. Follow the
links below for information on the additional online tutorials
the NCSACW provides:

About the NCSACW
The National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW) is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and jointly funded by SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, Children's Bureau's Office on Child Abuse
and Neglect.

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