The following article was recently posted on
Don't Fear the Flu Season
Jan. 20, 2015
Jan. 20, 2015
Every year during flu season, many of us start ducking and dodging to avoid the coughs and sneezes of family, friends and strangers. But one of the easiest ways to avoid the flu is to get vaccinated yearly.
Read more about it here: 2015/01/20/Dont-Fear-the-Flu- Season
Army Reserve medics faced a grueling course as part of a student medic training scenario, the 18-day Sapper Advanced Tactical Medical Course taught at Gowen Field Air National Guard Base, Idaho.
Read more about it here: 2015/01/18/Trauma-junkies- Army-medics-going-beyond-the- battlefield
Department of Defense Dependent Schools students from across Europe recently participated in a project that let them express their creativity while also helping promote U.S. Army Medical Command’s System for Health and Performance Triad programs.
Read more about it here: 2015/01/15/Students-take-on- video-project-promoting- System-for-Health
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