domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

CDC - Know:BRCA - Everyone Has BRCA Genes Infographic - Breast Cancer

CDC - Know:BRCA - Everyone Has BRCA Genes Infographic - Breast Cancer

CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC 24/7: Saving Lives. Protecting People.

Know:BRCA - Everyone Has BRCA Genes Infographic

Infographic: Everyone has b r c a genes, but some people have mutations (changes) in these genes which increase their risk for breast and ovarian cancer. Find out your family history of breast and ovarian cancer, then talk to your doctor about your own risks for these diseases. Visit w w w dot c d c dot gov slash cancer slash breast slash young underscore women, follow @ c d c underscore cancer on Twitter, or call 1 800 c d c info for more information.
Everyone has BRCA genes, but some people have mutations (changes) in these genes which increase their risk for breast and ovarian cancer. Find out your family history of breast and ovarian cancer, then talk to your doctor about your own risks for these diseases.

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