sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2013 | Features | CDC

Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2013 | Features | CDC

CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC 24/7: Saving Lives. Protecting People.

Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2013

Graph showing 9,582 cases of TB were reported in the U.S. in 2013.

We have made progress in reducing the number of cases of tuberculosis (TB) in the United States. Still, outbreaks occur and TB remains a serious public health issue.
Although progress has been made toward eliminating tuberculosis (TB) in the United States, TB cases and outbreaks continue to occur and remain a serious public health issue. In 2013, the reported number of TB cases decreased slightly from the previous year. In 2013, there were 9,582 reported TB cases in the United States, an incidence of 3.0 cases per 100,000 persons. In 2012, reported cases totaled 9,940, an incidence of 3.2 cases per 100,000 persons.
Despite consistent declines in TB cases and case rates since 1993, vulnerable populations remain at higher risk for TB in the United States. TB rates are higher for some racial and ethnic groups due to a greater proportion of people in these groups who have other risk factors for TB. The figures for 2013 show that:
Graphic showing reported TB cases in the United States in 1993 and 2013. In 1993, there were 25,102 reported cases. In 2013, there were 9,582.
Reported TB cases, United States, 1993 and 2013
  • Among U.S.-born persons, blacks or African Americans represented 37% of TB cases.
  • Among all TB cases, Asians accounted for the largest percentage of total cases of any race/ethnicity (31%), and Hispanics comprised the second largest racial or ethnic group (28%).
  • Among all TB cases, the case rate for Asians (18.7 per 100,000) was over three times higher than that for Hispanics (5.0 per 100,000) or blacks or African Americans (5.4 per 100,000).
Foreign-born persons accounted for the majority of all cases reported in the United States.
  • In 2013, the percentage of cases occurring in foreign-born persons was 65% of the national case total, compared to 29% in 1993.
  • Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics together represented 80% of TB cases among foreign-born persons, and accounted for 51% of the overall national case total.
  • From 2009 through 2013, the top five countries of origin of foreign-born persons diagnosed with TB in the U.S. were Mexico, the Philippines, India, Vietnam, and China.
Map of the United States showing TB case rates (per 100,000) in 2013. California, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii, Texas, Georgia, Florida, New York and New Jersey were all above the national average of 3.0.
TB case rates, United States, 2013

To address the high number of TB cases among foreign-born persons, CDC is collaborating with other national and international public health organizations to improve testing and treatment of immigrants and refugees before entering the U.S., test recent arrivals from countries with high rates of TB, and improve TB control activities along the border between the United States and Mexico. Foreign-born cases are declining in number, but not as quickly as among the U.S.-born.
Ongoing efforts are needed to address the persistent disparities that exist between U.S.-born and foreign-born persons, and between whites and minorities in the United States, to achieve elimination of TB.
Data Source
CDC. Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2013. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, October 2014

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