martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

National Guideline Clearinghouse | ACR Appropriateness Criteria® nonsurgical treatment for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: good performance status/definitive intent.

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National Guideline Clearinghouse | ACR Appropriateness Criteria® nonsurgical treatment for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: good performance status/definitive intent.

American College of Radiology

National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC)

Guideline Title
ACR Appropriateness Criteria® nonsurgical treatment for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: good performance status/definitive intent.
Bibliographic Source(s)
Chang JY, Kestin LL, Barriger RB, Chetty IJ, Ginsburg ME, Kumar S, Loo BW Jr, Movsas B, Rimner A, Rosenzweig KE, Stinchcombe TE, Videtic GM, Willers H, Expert Panel on Radiation Oncology-Lung. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® nonsurgical treatment for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: good performance status/definitive intent [online publication]. Reston (VA): American College of Radiology (ACR); 2014. 18 p. [74 references]
Guideline Status
This is the current release of the guideline.
This guideline updates a previous version: Gewanter RM, Movsas B, Rosenzweig KE, Chang JY, Decker R, Dubey S, Kong FM, Lally BE, Langer CJ, Lee HK, Expert Panel on Radiation Oncology-Lung. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® nonsurgical treatment for non-small-cell lung cancer: good performance status/definitive intent. [online publication]. Reston (VA): American College of Radiology (ACR); 2010. 11 p. [53 references]

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