This Week's Top 10 Viewed Stories
� 1. Breath Test Spots Diseases
CLEVELAND (Ivanhoe Newswire) - With most diseases, an early diagnosis means a better prognosis, but sometimes it’s difficult, painful and expensive to test for illnesses. Now there’s a new way to spot a variety of conditions and all it takes is a simple breath.
CLEVELAND (Ivanhoe Newswire) - With most diseases, an early diagnosis means a better prognosis, but sometimes it’s difficult, painful and expensive to test for illnesses. Now there’s a new way to spot a variety of conditions and all it takes is a simple breath.
� 2. Time of Day Crucial to Test for Diseases (2nd week)
July 7, 2014 - Time of day and sleep deprivation have a significant effect on our metabolism, a new study confirms. The finding could be crucial when looking at the best time of day to test for diseases such as...
July 7, 2014 - Time of day and sleep deprivation have a significant effect on our metabolism, a new study confirms. The finding could be crucial when looking at the best time of day to test for diseases such as...
� 3. Does Cat Poop Parasite Help to Cure Cancer?
July 15, 2014 - From the litter box to the laboratory, a microscopic organism native to cats shows promise in treating cancer. Researchers’ mutated strain of T. gondii has been found to reprogram the natural power ...
July 15, 2014 - From the litter box to the laboratory, a microscopic organism native to cats shows promise in treating cancer. Researchers’ mutated strain of T. gondii has been found to reprogram the natural power ...
� 4. Developing a Neural Device to Restore Memory
July 10, 2014 - The Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) up to $2.5 million to develop an implantable neural device with the...
July 10, 2014 - The Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) up to $2.5 million to develop an implantable neural device with the...
� 5. Allergic Asthma After Eating Fruits: New Research
July 15, 2014 - The interaction between two proteins can be the responsible for the allergic asthma episodes after eating an infected fruit, new research suggests. Alternaria alternata is a fungus that proliferates ...
July 15, 2014 - The interaction between two proteins can be the responsible for the allergic asthma episodes after eating an infected fruit, new research suggests. Alternaria alternata is a fungus that proliferates ...
� 6. New Compound Treats Both Blindness, Diabetes
July 10, 2014 - A chemical compound designed to precisely target part of a crucial cellular quality-control network provided significant protection, in rats and mice, against degenerative forms of blindness and...
July 10, 2014 - A chemical compound designed to precisely target part of a crucial cellular quality-control network provided significant protection, in rats and mice, against degenerative forms of blindness and...
� 7. Nasal Spray for Alzheimer’s (2nd week)
CHICAGO (Ivanhoe Newswire) - Every 70 seconds, someone in the U.S. develops Alzheimer’s disease. There is no cure, but there is new hope.
CHICAGO (Ivanhoe Newswire) - Every 70 seconds, someone in the U.S. develops Alzheimer’s disease. There is no cure, but there is new hope.
� 8. A Drug To Prevent Alzheimer’s (2nd week)
MIAMI (Ivanhoe Newswire) - Everyone, no matter if you are a man or woman, family history or not, everyone with a brain is at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Age is the biggest risk factor and America is aging.
MIAMI (Ivanhoe Newswire) - Everyone, no matter if you are a man or woman, family history or not, everyone with a brain is at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Age is the biggest risk factor and America is aging.
� 9. 3D Knee (2nd week)
DALLAS, T.X. (Ivanhoe Newswire) - In the past ten years, the number of total knee replacements in the U.S. has doubled and many of those patients are much younger than ever before.
DALLAS, T.X. (Ivanhoe Newswire) - In the past ten years, the number of total knee replacements in the U.S. has doubled and many of those patients are much younger than ever before.
� 10. Top Cancer Fighting Foods
(Ivanhoe Newswire) - You’re told you have cancer. What you put in your body before and after diagnosis could be the difference in surviving or dying. We know what’s good, but what’s best when it comes to cancer fighting foods?
(Ivanhoe Newswire) - You’re told you have cancer. What you put in your body before and after diagnosis could be the difference in surviving or dying. We know what’s good, but what’s best when it comes to cancer fighting foods?
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