viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

CDC Hepatitis Updates: World Hepatitis Day – July 28th

CDC Hepatitis Updates: World Hepatitis Day – July 28th

Viral Hepatitis Updates from CDC 
World Hepatitis Day – July 28th 
Viral hepatitis is a major global health threat. All types of viral hepatitis can cause inflammation of the liver; however, hepatitis B and C infection can result in a lifelong, chronic infection. Worldwide, over one million people die each year from chronic viral hepatitis, primarily from cirrhosis or liver cancer caused by Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.  

White House Observance Recognizing Leadership on World Hepatitis Day –July 30th, 12 PM-2:30 PM EST

Join via live stream on on Wednesday, July 30, 2014 from 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM (Eastern), when the White House Office of National AIDS Policy, Office of National Drug Control Policy, and White House Initiative for AAPIs will commemorate World Hepatitis Day and recognize leaders in the field.

MMWR - MMWR - Progress Toward Prevention of Transfusion-Transmitted Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infection — Sub-Saharan Africa, 2000–2011
Infections with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are major causes of morbidity and mortality globally, primarily because of sequelae of chronic liver disease including cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The risks for HBV and HCV transmission via blood transfusions have been described previously and are believed to be higher in countries in sub-Saharan Africa. This report summarizes HBV- and HCV-related surveillance data reported by the blood transfusion services of WHO member states to WHO’s Global Database on Blood Safety (GDBS). It also evaluates the performance of blood safety programs in screening for HBV and HCV in 38 sub-Saharan Africa countries. From 2000/2004 to 2010/2011, the median of the annual number of units donated per country increased, the number of countries screening at least 95% of blood donations for HBV and HCV increased, and the median of the national prevalence of HBV and HCV marker-reactive blood donations decreased. These findings suggest that during the past decade, more blood has been donated and screened for HBV and HCV, resulting in a safer blood supply.

National African American Hepatitis C Action Day - July 25th 
July 25th is National African American Hepatitis C Action Day.  The day is a commemoration designed to heighten public awareness about the devastating impact of the Hepatitis C epidemic on African American communities.

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