lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

CDC - Scientific Data, Statistics, and Surveillance

CDC - Scientific Data, Statistics, and Surveillance

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Your online source for credible health information. 

New CDC Publication: Presenting Injury Data using ICD-10-CM 
External Cause of Injury Codes

Morbidity coding in the United States will transition from 
ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM in 2015. The National Center for 
Injury Prevention and Control and the National Center for 
Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention (CDC) have taken steps to prepare for this 
transition. The centers have proposed an ICD-10-CM 
External Cause of Injury framework to provide standards 
for presenting injury data. This report about the framework provides:

  • Background information about ICD-10-CM,
  • A comparison between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM external cause code sets,
  • An overview of the proposed framework and the guiding principles used to construct it, and
  • A list of major issues and recommended resolutions based on feedback from subject matter experts in injury data and surveillance systems.
The proposed framework consists of two external cause of injury 
matrices—one for Poisoning and the other for Causes Other Than 
Poisoning. It also includes groupings of ICD-10-CM external cause 
of injury codes by major mechanism (e.g., motor vehicle traffic, 
fall, poisoning, drowning) and intent (e.g., unintentional, assault, 
self-harm) of injury categories. These proposed code sets will be 
useful in tracking injury-related hospitalizations and emergency 
department visits at the national and state levels when ICD-10-CM 
external cause codes become available.

The report is now available electronically
Hard copies of the report can also be ordered 
free-of-charge online.

For more information, contact

Scientific Data, Statistics, and Surveillance

Interactive Statistics and Mapping Systems

WISQARSWISQARSTM (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System) is the Injury Center's interactive, online database that provides customized injury-related mortality data and nonfatal injury data. This data is useful for research and for making informed public health decisions.

Additional Data and Statistics ReportsLeading Causes Charts

Injury Coding and Data Systems

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