miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Rare diseases information

Rare diseases information


Helping you to find better quality rare disease information on the internet

Very often the internet is the first place people living with a rare disease find themselves. Searching for rare disease related information that patients and families can easily understand and trust can be a frustrating and scary experience. The EURORDIS InfoHub has been developed to meet three basic needs: How to find quality rare disease information on the internet; Where to find quality rare disease information on the internet and a tool to provide access to search results based on an index of affiliated patient organisation websites

How to find quality information on the internet

Video tutorials aimed at helping optimize search and evaluation of medical information on the Internet, especially for rare diseases

Where to find quality information on the internet

Browse the EURORDIS InfoHub classification of online resources on rare diseases and orphan drugs

A custom rare disease search engine

Use the EURORDIS InfoHub custom search engine to browse a selection of the most reliable and helpful rare disease information websites

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