NEW from AHRQ: A Video and Infographic on Multiple Chronic Conditions
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) sent this bulletin at 11/19/2013 12:43 PM EST
About One in Three Americans Live with Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC) – that’s more than a quarter of all Americans—and two out of three older Americans that are estimated to have at least two chronic physical or behavioral health problems. Treatment for people living with MCC currently accounts for an estimated 66 percent of the Nation's health care costs. As the U.S. population ages, the number of patients with MCC continues to grow. This mounting challenge has become a major public health issue that is linked to suboptimal health outcomes and rising health care costs. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Multiple Chronic Conditions Research Network is pleased to present a new video and infographic about MCC:
Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Day in the LIfe is a short animated video that centers around the experiences of Mae, a woman living with multiple chronic conditions. Beginning at home with her family, we follow Mae as she visits one health care provider after another, struggling to keep track of the various instructions, treatments, and prescriptions she receives – all while trying to maintain a balanced life. The video provides insight into what it’s like to be one of the growing number of Americans with multiple chronic conditions.
The infographic presents key information about why research and care for people with multiple chronic conditions (MCC) is important. The data presented in the MCC infographic mainly come from a new analysis of 2010 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data conducted by Abt Associates. The full results of that analysis will be included in a forthcoming chartbook.
For more information about the AHRQ Multiple Chronic Conditions Research Network, and AHRQ’s efforts to address multiple chronic conditions through evidence-based research, please visit
Learn more about how to improve primary care. Visit AHRQ’s Prevention & Chronic Care Program at:
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