Need help tackling tricky topics with girls?
The Office on Women’s Health (OWH) sent this bulletin at 11/11/2013 10:23 AM ESTCommunication Skills Building helps community leaders who work with parents
This November, the Office on Women’s Health launched Communication Skills Building for Parents of Preteen Girls (“Communication Skills Building”). Communication Skills Building helps community leaders strengthen the communication skills of parents and caregivers of preteen and teenage girls.
Research shows that girls who have strong and open lines of communication with their parents and caregivers are more likely to finish school and less likely to get involved with drugs and alcohol or become teenage parents. Important conversations on hard topics should begin as early as possible, or between the ages of 9 and 11.
Communication Skills Building helps community leaders work with parents and caregivers to address difficult topics, such as:
- Dating
- Appropriate dress
- Internet dangers
- Peer pressure (smoking, drugs, and alcohol)
- Time management
Trainings. We will offer online trainings for community leaders to learn more about the program. We will email you once the dates for the upcoming webinars are announced.
For more updates on important women’s health issues, visit the new Office on Women’s Health blog. It’s a place where you can learn about and comment on topics that matter to you.
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