Breast. 2013 May 2. pii: S0960-9776(13)00089-1. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2013.04.008. [Epub ahead of print]
Prediction of Oncotype DX and TAILORx risk categories using histopathological and immunohistochemical markers by classification and regression tree (CART) analysis.
Discipline of Pathology, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland; Department of Pathology, Galway University Hospitals, Ireland. Electronic address:
Oncotype DX is an RT-PCR assay used to predict which patients with ER-positive node-negative (NN) disease will benefit from chemotherapy. Each patient is stratified into a risk category based on a recurrence score (RS) and the TAILORx trial is determining the benefit of chemotherapy for patients with mid-range RSs. We tested if Oncotype DX and TAILORx risk categories could be predicted by standard pathological features and protein markers corresponding to 10 genes in the assay (ER, PR, Ki67, HER2, BCL2, CD68, Aurora A kinase, survivin, cyclin B1 and BAG1) on 52 patients who enrolled on TAILORx. Immunohistochemistry for the protein markers was performed on whole tissue sections. Classification and regression tree (CART) analysis correctly classified 69% of cases into Oncotype DX risk categories based on the expression of PR, survivin and nuclear pleomorphism. All tumours with PR staining (Allred score ≥2) and marked nuclear pleomorphism were in the high-risk category. No case with PR <2 15="" 77="" a="" absolute="" alternative="" an="" and="" as="" assay="" b1.="" bag1="" based="" be="" cancers="" cart="" cases="" categories.="" categories="" classified="" conclusion="" correctly="" could="" cut-off="" cyclin="" dx="" er-positive="" for="" high-risk.="" in="" including="" into="" key="" ki67="" low="" markers="" nbsp="" nn="" nuclear="" number="" of="" on="" oncotype="" only="" over="" p="" patients="" pleomorphism="" positivity="" pr="" predicted="" predictors="" proliferation="" reduce="" requiring="" revealed="" risk="" rs="" rt-pcr="" similarly="" survivin="" tailorx="" testing.="" that="" the="" these="" thirds="" to="" two="" used="" variable="" variables="" was="" were="" with="">Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.2>
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- [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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