viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

Health Tip: Choose Low-Sodium Foods: MedlinePlus

Health Tip: Choose Low-Sodium Foods: MedlinePlus


Health Tip: Choose Low-Sodium Foods

Even convenience fare includes healthier options

By Diana Kohnle
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Related MedlinePlus Page
(HealthDay News) -- Cutting back on sodium can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
The American Diabetes Association lists these suggestions to choose healthier versions of typically high-sodium convenience foods:
  • Look for frozen meal options that contain 600 milligrams (mg) of sodium or less per serving.
  • Choose fresh mozzarella packed in water or Swiss cheese as low-sodium options; cut back on cheese in recipes.
  • If you buy canned vegetables or beans, choose versions with low sodium or no sodium added; rinse them before eating.
  • Stick to fresh, lean meats and other protein choices, and restrict cured, processed meats in your diet.
  • Check labels on condiments, as they often are high in sodium.
  • Make homemade soups and broths or buy low-sodium versions; avoid pickled foods.
More Health News on:
Dietary Sodium

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