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Products and Services
For Federal Government Customers
Additional product and service options are available to government agencies through our intramural Find-a-Service site.For Non-Federal Government Customers
E.g. academia, life-science companies, non-profit research institutions, state and local government, etc.-
Animal Sciences
Providing cutting-edge animal services through highly developed expertise and technologies.
The AIDS and Cancer Virus Program is an integrated, multidisciplinary program that pursues basic and applied studies.
Pre-clinical & Clinical Assays
The Frederick National Lab has expertise covering a broad spectrum of testing and clinical trial support.
Proteins & Proteomics
Protein expression, detection, and characterization technologies that define complex interactions leading to cancer.
Nucleic Acid Technologies
Developing the tools and assays to define the molecular signatures of cancer and HIV/AIDS.
Providing a broad range of training and support, including image acquisition and quantitative analysis.
Screening with higher throughput and thus more rapid turn-around time for suppliers.
Transplantable in vivo-derived tumors and in vitro-established tumor cell lines from various species.
Helpful Contacts
E-mail any general questions our Project Officers at ncifoso@nih.gov or call 301-846-1108. Expand this list to see more contact options.
Useful Documents
A selection of documents and forms that help explain the pathways to our products and services.
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