jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Errata: Vol. 61, No. 36

Errata: Vol. 61, No. 36

Errata: Vol. 61, No. 36


November 23, 2012 / 61(46);954

In the report, "Household Preparedness for Public Health Emergencies — 14 states, 2006–2010," errors occurred in two tables. In Table 1 and Table 2, the first heading in each of the six sections, should read: "No." In Table 1, in the section, "Have a 3-day supply of food," in the White row, the value under "No." should read: "69,313." In Table 2, in the section "Have a working battery-operated flashlight," in the Mississippi row, the value under "No." should read: "9,846."

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