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CDC Safe Healthcare Blog: A Call for Large-scale Antibiotic Stewardship Programs
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sent this bulletin at 11/14/2012 02:11 PM ESTSUBJECT: CDC Safe Healthcare Blog: A Call for Large-scale Antibiotic Stewardship Programs
A main theme of CDC’s 2012 Get Smart about Antibiotics Week is the importance of correcting the misuse of antibiotics in our healthcare facilities.
Today, on CDC’s Safe Healthcare Blog, Sara Cosgrove, MD, MS, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Secretary for the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) Board of Directors, makes the case for antibiotic (or antimicrobial) stewardship programs within healthcare to help preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics and limit the spread of Clostridium difficile. Learn about available tools and resources your facility can use to promote antibiotic stewardship in Dr. Cosgrove’s Safe Healthcare Blog posting at
For the complete listing of Get Smart About Antibiotics Week activities and information, visit .
Cost of Antibiotic Misuse Too Great to Ignore
Categories: Antimicrobial Resistance
November 14th, 2012 1:54 pm ET - .
The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA)
Author - Sara Cosgrove, MD, MS,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Medical and scientific advances change the way we look at the world. Before penicillin was introduced in 1942, any infection could be a death sentence. Since then, we have been in awe of and dependent on the use of antibiotics as one of the most valuable tools in our medical toolbox. But society as a whole has taken these drugs for granted with use that has allowed the issue of drug resistant infections to creep up on us and grow to be a serious public health threat. Correcting this misuse of antibiotics in our healthcare facilities is necessary to help preserve these drugs; the cost of inaction is too great to be ignored.Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
One strategy to preserve the use of the antibiotics currently available and reign in resistance is antimicrobial stewardship. These programs and interventions help prescribers know the right drug, at the right time, in the right dose, for the right duration. These programs help to improve the use of antibiotics.
Antimicrobial resistance is becoming an increasing issue in healthcare facilities and communities throughout the country, as evidenced by outbreaks of MRSA and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE). These resistant bugs are associated with increased patient morbidity, mortality and higher healthcare costs spent on useless use of antibiotics and longer, more intense hospital stays.
Antimicrobial stewardship programs are needed nationwide in healthcare settings to help preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics. These safety initiatives are somewhat unique in healthcare in that they can improve healthcare outcomes for patients as well as financial outcomes for healthcare institutions.
The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and their partners are working to advance the evidence for and practice of antimicrobial stewardship to help preserve this resource. To learn more about antimicrobial stewardship sign up to attend the SHEA’s continuing education online training for health professionals
. SHEA also has great tools and resources available
for individuals looking to set up or expand the stewardship program in their healthcare facility. For consumer tools and fact sheets, check out CDC’s Get Smart about Antibiotics Week materials.
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