viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

Errata: Vol. 60, Nos. 51 & 52

Errata: Vol. 60, Nos. 51 & 52

Errata: Vol. 60, Nos. 51 & 52


January 27, 2012 / 61(03);57

In the report, "Receipt of A(H1N1)pdm09 Vaccine by Prisons and Jails — United States, 2009–10 Influenza Season," errors occurred in the data presented in Figure 2. The corrected Figure 2 is below. In addition, errors occurred in the last sentence of the last paragraph on page 1737. That sentence should read as follows: "When facilities that reported receipt of vaccine but did not report a receipt date were excluded, the proportions receiving vaccine by April 2010 were 80.0% for federal prisons, 80.5% for state prisons, and 33.1% for jails."
FIGURE 2. Percentage of correctional facilities receiving A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine, by date and facility type, among facilities that provided receipt dates in their response — United States, 2009–10 influenza season*
The figure shows the percentage of correctional facilities receiving A (H1N1) pdm09 vaccine, among facilities that provided receipt dates, in the United States during the 2009-10 influenza season. The proportions receiving vaccine by April 2010 were 80.0% for federal prisons, 80.5% for state prisons, and 33.1% for jails.
* In total, 265 facilities indicated that they received the vaccine, 171 indicated that they did not receive the vaccine, and 11 did not indicate either way. Of the 265 that indicated they received the vaccine, 177 provided the date received. Curves reflect those that provided a receipt date or reported that they did not receive vaccine. Those that reported that they received vaccine but did not report a receipt date are not included.
All A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine had entered the marketplace by January 2010.
Alternative Text: The figure above shows the percentage of correctional facilities receiving A (H1N1) pdm09 vaccine, among facilities that provided receipt dates, in the United States during the 2009-10 influenza season. The proportions receiving vaccine by April 2010 were 80.0% for federal prisons, 80.5% for state prisons, and 33.1% for jails.

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