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CDC - CDC Learning Connection - Learning Products by TopicBy Topic
Browse by topic, the growing collection of free learning products including e-learning, podcasts, text-based, and webcasts.Additional learning products and tools are located on the Resources page.
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Chronic Diseases
Heart Disease and Stroke
- A Closer Look at African American Men and High Blood Pressure Control
- A Cup of Health with CDC — Heart Health
- A Cup of Health with CDC — Living a Less Salty Life
- A Minute of Health with CDC — Heart Health
- A Minute of Health with CDC — Living a Less Salty Life
- Stopping Strokes
- Women — Be Smart About Your Heart
Hematologic Disorders
Tobacco Control
- Breathe Easier: Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Persons with Asthma
- Creating an Asthma-Friendly School
- State Program Evaluation Guides: Fundamentals of Evaluating Partnerships
- State Program Evaluation Guides: Developing and Using a Logic Model
- State Program Evaluation Guides: Developing an Evaluation Plan
- State Program Evaluation Guides: Writing SMART Objectives
Emergency Management
- BioterroRisk
- Crisis Emergency Risk Communication
- Disaster in Franklin County: A Public Health Simulation
- Emergency Use Authorization
- Ethics in the Age of Terrorism
- Federal Perspective: CDC Response to Environmental Health Concerns from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans
- Mass Dispensing Sites: A Primer for Volunteers
- National Incident Management System (NIMS) courses
- Psychological First Aid in Radiation Disasters
- Public Health Planning for Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism
- Screening People for External Contamination: How to Use Hand-held Radiation Survey Equipment
Environmental Health
- A Discussion Within the Profession: Who Are We and Who Do We Want To Be?
- Asthma Management and Education Online
- ATSDR Case Studies in Environmental Medicine
- ATSDR Case Study in Environmental Medicine: Pediatric Exposure History
- ATSDR Grand Rounds — Lead and Asbestos
- Beat the Heat: Heat Illness Prevention And Treatment
- Biology and Control of Insects and Rodents
- Biology and Control of Vectors and Public Health Pests: The Importance of Integrated Pest Management
- Breathing Should Be Easy: Guideline-Level Asthma Care
- Climate Change and Health Webinar Series
- Creating an Asthma-Friendly School
- (The) Coach's Asthma Clipboard Program: Winning With Asthma
- Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 01. General Environmental Health
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 02. Statutes and Regulations
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 03. Food Protection
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 04. Potable Water
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 05. Wastewater
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 06. Solid and Hazardous Waste
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 07. Hazardous Materials
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 08. Zoonoses, Vectors, Pests, and Weeds
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 09. Radiation Protection
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 10. Occupational Safety and Health
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 11. Air Quality and Environmental Noise
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 12. Housing Sanitation and Safety
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 14. Swimming Pools and Recreational Facilities
- Environmental Public Health Online Courses: 15. Disaster Sanitation
- Excessive Heat Events Guidebook
- EPHT Massachusetts Case Study
- Federal Perspective: CDC Response to Environmental Health Concerns from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans
- Gatorade Heat Safety Package
- Healthy Places Leading to Healthy People: Community Engagement Improves Health for All
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Cross-Connection Control (Water Topics)
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Equipment and Facilities: Construction and Maintenance (Additional Environmental Health Topics)
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point [HACCP] (Additional Environmental Health Topics)
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Housekeeping and Infection Control (Additional Environmental Health Topics)
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Integrated Pest Management (Additional Environmental Health Topics)
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Microworld (Food Topics)
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Overview of the Vessel Sanitation Program
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Potable Water (Water Topics)
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Swimming Pools and Whirlpool Spas (Water Topics)
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Waterborne Illnesses (Water Topics)
- Heat Related Illness (HRI) Prevention
- Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online: A Toolkit for Trainers
- Implementing Water Safety Plans in the Caribbean and Latin America: A WHO Methodology for Managing Risk in Drinking Water Systems
- Improving Your Agency's Monitoring Capability Through the Use of the Environmental Public Health Performance Standards
- Learning and Growing Through Evaluation: State Asthma Program Evaluation Guide
- Managing Indoor Asthma Triggers: Realistic Approaches for Health Care Providers
- Managing Rodents and Mosquitoes Through Integrated Pest Management
- Medscape CME Case Presentation: Altered Mental Status in a Young Man Picked Up on the Street
- National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network Announces New State Grantees
- Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Technical Manual: Section III: Chapter 4, Heat Stress
- Ozone and your Patient’s Health
- Pediatric Environmental Health Toolkit
- Pediatric Environmental Home Assessment On-Line Training for Public Health and Visiting Nurses
- Performance Standards Workshop
- Recreational Water Illness and Aquatic Facility-Related Events Associated with Swimming Pool Chemicals
- Selection of Laboratory Regimens for Confirmation of Intestinal Parasites
- Spirometry Training
- Sustainability: A Crucial New Role in the Ever Evolving Practice of Environmental Health
- Treated Recreational Water-Associated Outbreaks of Cryptosporidiosis
- Using Evaluation to Reduce the Burden of Asthma
- Using an Innovative Electronic Interface to Develop a Drought Guidance Document for Public Health Practitioners, 2008
- What Really Happens at Aquatic Facilities Between Inspections?
- Working with Partners to Achieve Success
Epidemiology, Surveillance, and Statistics
- A National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network Overview
- A National Strategy to Revitalize Environmental Public Health Services
- Basic Epidemiology
- BioterroRisk
- (The) Community Guide: A Brief Overview
- (The) Community Guide: Using Systematic Reviews to Inform Task Force Recommendations
- Confidentiality Orientation
- E is for Epidemiology
- EPHT Massachusetts Case Study
- Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Series 2011
- Gastroenteritis at a University in Texas
- How Do Virus Epidemics Emerge?
- HuGENet™ Case Study: Evaluation of the TCF7L2 Gene as a Predictor of Type 2 Diabetes
- HuGENet™ Case Study: Factor V Leiden and Venous Thrombosis Objectives
- HuGENet™ Case Study: Fictional Scenario To Test Your Knowledge of Gene-Environment Interaction: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Herbal Supplements and Fictitious Rheumatoid Arthritis Gene Objectives
- HuGENet™ Case Study: Genomics and Cancer Prevention Objectives
- HuGENet™ Case Study: Glucocerebrosidase Gene Mutations and Parkinson Disease Objectives
- HuGENet™ Case Study: Multiple genetic testing for susceptibility to common disease: PPARG and CAPN10 SNP's and type 2 diabetes
- HuGENet™ Case Study: NOD2 and Crohn disease Objectives
- HuGENet™ Case Study: Using Whole Genome Scans to Discover Obesity Genes: Implications for the Clinical Utility of Genetic Testing in Obesity
- (The) Immunization Encounter: Critical Issues
- Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit for TB
- National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network Announces New State Grantees
- Pandemic Preparedness: What We Have Learned from H1N1
- Salmonella in the Caribbean (CB1167)
Food Safety
- American Medical Association (AMA): Food-borne Illnesses
- Compliance Guideline for Controlling Salmonella and Campylobacterin Poultry, Second Edition May 2008
- Food for Thought and Action: Implementing the Council to Improve Foodborne Outbreak Response (CIFOR) Guidelines for Foodborne Disease Outbreak Response
- Foodborne Diseases: Better Prevention with Better Public Health Information
- Food-Safe Schools Action Guide and Train-the-Trainer Manual for School Foodservice Personnel
- Gastroenteritis at a University in Texas
- Grocery Manufacturers' Association Guidance Documents on Preventing Salmonella
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Outbreak Investigations
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Food Protection (Food Topics)
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Foodborne Illnesses (Food Topics)
- Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees — Outbreak Investigations (Additional Environmental Health Topics)
- Investigation of Foodborne Illness: A Laboratory Perspective
- Salmonella in the Caribbean (CB1167)
- Using Employee Health and Personal Hygiene Measures
- World Health Organization (WHO) Train the Trainer course on the Five Keys to Safer Food
- 2011 Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
- Adolescent Immunizations: A Practice-based Approach (Medscape Education)
- ATSDR Case Study in Environmental Medicine: Pediatric Exposure History
- CDC Expert Commentary: Vaccine-Preventable Diseases — Roll Up Your Sleeves!
- Immunization in practice — Case Studies
- Teaching Immunization Delivery and Evaluation (TIDE)
- Users' guide on how to use and adapt an excel workbook for conducting immunization coverage cluster survey, based on a standard template
- Viral Hepatitis Serology: Hepatitis A-E
Infectious Diseases
- Catheter-associated UTIs
- CDC Commentary: Preventing Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)
- CDC Commentary: Testing for Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI)
- Hand Hygiene
- HIV Web Study
- Make Every Injection Safe!
- Making The Grade: Preventing, Treating, and Managing Respiratory Infections in the Hospital Setting
- Prevention of Perinatal Group B Streptococcal Disease
- Rabies Postexposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Basics: Case Illustrations of the 2010 ACIP Guidelines
- Safe Injection Practices Video
- Weighing in on Antibiotic Resistance: Community Pharmacists Tip the Scales
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Tuberculosis (TB)
Injury and Violence Prevention
International Health
Legal / Ethical
Maternal and Child Health
- Creating an Asthma-Friendly School
- Do Adolescent Smokers Want to Quit and How Can We Help?
- Parents, School Success, and Health
- Pediatric Environmental Health Toolkit
- School Health Policies and Program Study 2006: Healthy Eating
- School Health Policies and Program Study 2006: Overview
- School Health Policies and Program Study 2006: Tobacco
- STRYVE Online Training
- Wellstart’s Lactation Management Self-Study Modules, Level 1
Mental Health
Nutrition, Physical Acitivty, and Obesity
- Caring for Our Children—National Health and Safety Performance Standards: Guidelines for Out-of-Home Child Care
- CDC Growth Chart Training
- (The) CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions
- Chronic Disease Series — Nutrition and Health
- Chronic Disease Series — Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health
- Chronic Disease Series — Obesity Prevention in Children
- Chronic Disease Series — Physical Activity
- Let's End the Childhood Obesity Epidemic Webinar Series
- National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Dietary Tutorial — Dietary Data Survey Orientation
- Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs
- RE-AIM Online
- School Health Policies and Program Study 2006: Healthy Eating
- Wellstart's Lactation Management Self-Study Modules, Level 1
- Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Why Vitamin B12 Deficiency Should Be on Your Radar Screen
- Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity Podcasts
Policy / Planning
Preparedness and Response
- Basic Emergency Preparedness Online Course for All
- Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Online Training
- Detecting Bioterror: Forensic Epidemiology
- Emergency and Terrorism Preparedness for Environmental Health Practitioners
- Emergency Use Authorization
- Ethics and Public Health in an Age of Terrorism
- Explosion and Blast Injury
- FAST Foundations: Disaster Behavioral Health First Aid Specialist Training
- Georgia Training Resource and Inventory Network (G-TRAIN)
- Introduction to Points of Dispensing [POD]
- IS-100.b: Introduction to the Incident Command System
- IS-200.a: ICS for Single Resource and Initial Action Incidents
- IS-700.A: National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction
- IS-800.B: National Response Framework, An Introduction
- Mass Dispensing: A Primer for Volunteers
- Preparedness and Community Response to Pandemics
- (The) Public Health Emergency Response to the Recent Earthquake in Haiti
- Public Health Planning for Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism
- Screening People for External Contamination
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