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https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2023/pancreatic-cancer-kras-g12d-mrtx1133?cid=eb_govdelProgress continues in targeting a hard-to-hit cancer protein
KRAS has been one of the most hard-to-hit targets in cancer research. But over the past 2 years, two new drugs, sotorasib (Lumakras) and adagrasib (Krazati), have been approved to treat people with non-small cell lung cancer that has the KRAS G12C mutation. This mutation occurs less frequently in other cancers and is only seen in about 1%–2% of pancreatic cancers. Even so, researchers have begun testing both drugs in small clinical trials of people with other cancers with KRAS G12C mutations.
In a trial involving 38 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, for example, sotorasib shrank tumors in about 20% of participants. Similar results were seen with adagrasib in a trial involving people with advanced colorectal cancer.v
From the abstract: "Here, we analyze the gut virome of 647 children aged 1?year from the Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood2010 (COPSAC2010) mother–child cohort, all deeply phenotyped from birth and with longitudinally assessed asthma diagnoses. Specific temperate gut phage taxa were found to be associated with later development of asthma. In particular, the joint abundances of 19 caudoviral families were found to significantly contribute to this association. Combining the asthma-associated virome and bacteriome signatures had additive effects on asthma risk."
From the article: " Alcohol use disorder — the inability to stop or control one’s drinking despite negative consequences — is a highly heritable condition. Research suggests that having an immediate family member, like a parent or sibling, with the disorder increases an individual’s chances of developing it roughly three- to fourfold. Approximately 50 percent of a person’s risk comes from their genes, but their home and social environments are also important factors."
From the article: "The promise of DTC testing for AD biomarkers may be lauded by advocates pushing for earlier diagnoses and individuals’ right to know. Early diagnosis of AD through DTC or clinical evaluations could provide benefits, including increased monitoring and preventive care. Additionally, DTC tests could reduce barriers that impede a timely diagnosis (eg, access to dementia specialists). However, DTC tests are not without hazard, particularly given gaps in discriminatory protections for individuals at risk of developing AD with known biomarker status. "
From the abstract: "Conversational artificial intelligence (AI), particularly AI-based conversational agents (CAs), is gaining traction in mental health care. Despite their growing usage, there is a scarcity of comprehensive evaluations of their impact on mental health and well-being. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to fill this gap by synthesizing evidence on the effectiveness of AI-based CAs in improving mental health and factors influencing their effectiveness and user experience. "
From the website: "Both the parasite genome and the mosquito genome are very important because each of those represents a unique fingerprint. You can characterize the disease that's caused by that particular parasite and also track the parasites and the mosquitoes. Malaria parasites, for example, in parts of Ethiopia or India are different from each other, but those malaria parasites in India are similar to each other. If you don't know the origin of a malaria parasite, you can track it back to where it might have come from by comparing it with lots of different genomes of malaria parasites throughout the endemic world. "
Berberine is a substance found in a variety of plants, including goldenseal, barberry, Oregon grape, and others. Plants containing berberine have a long history of use in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. In modern times, plants containing berberine have been used for infections, skin diseases, digestive disorders, and other conditions. Berberine is currently being studied for its effects on diabetes and risk factors for heart disease. Recently, it has become popular as a potential weight loss aid.
From the abstract: "In 2020, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) made ten “bold predictions,” including that “the clinical relevance of all encountered genomic variants will be readily predictable, rendering the diagnostic designation ‘variant of uncertain significance (VUS)’ obsolete.” We discuss the prospects for this prediction, arguing that many, if not most, VUS in coding regions will be resolved by 2030. We outline a confluence of recent changes making this possible. "
From the abstract: "Among the 723 SGA newborns, 88(12.2%) received genetic diagnosis, including 42(47.7%) with monogenic diseases and 46(52.3%) with chromosomal abnormalities. SGA with genetic diagnosis showed higher rates in severe SGA(54.5% vs. 41.9%, P=0.0025) than SGA without genetic diagnosis. SGA with chromosomal abnormalities showed higher incidences of physical and neurodevelopmental delay compared to those with monogenic diseases (45.7% vs. 19.0%, P=0.012). "
From the article: "Engineered immune cells have given 15 people with once-debilitating autoimmune disorders a new lease on life, free from fresh symptoms or treatments. The results raise hopes that the approach — called CAR-T-cell therapy — might one day be extended to a variety of other conditions fuelled by rogue immune cells that produce antibodies against the body’s own tissues. "
From the abstract: " Arrhythmia symptoms are frequent complaints in children and often require a pediatric cardiology evaluation. Data regarding the clinical utility of wearable technologies are limited in children. We hypothesize that a smart watch can capture arrhythmias in children. We present an analysis of patients =18 years-of-age who had signs of an arrhythmia documented by a smart watch. We include patients evaluated at our center over a 4-year-period and highlight those receiving a formal arrhythmia diagnosis. We evaluate the role of the smart watch in arrhythmia diagnosis, the results of other ambulatory cardiac monitoring studies, and findings of any EP studies."
ver historia personal en: www.cerasale.com.ar [dado de baja por la Cancillería Argentina por temas políticos, propio de la censura que rige en nuestro medio]//
www.revistamedicos.com.ar //
www.quorumtuc.com.ar //
www.sectorsalud.com.ar //
www.maimonides.edu //
weblog.maimonides.edu/farmacia/archives/UM_Informe_Autoevaluacion_FyB.pdf - //
weblog.maimonides.edu/farmacia/archives/0216_Admin_FarmEcon.pdf - //
www.documentalistas.org.ar //
www.cpcesfe2.org.ar //
www.nogracias.eu //
www.estenssorome.com.ar //
www.cuautitlan.unam.mx/descargas/licenciaturas/bqd/plandestudio_bqd_ //
www.latamjpharm.org/trabajos/25/2/LAJOP_25_2_6_1_M4M6Z9746D.pdf //
www.nogracias.eu/v_juventud/informacion/informacionver.asp?cod= //
www.colfarse.com.ar //
www.proz.com/kudoz/english_to_spanish/art_literary/523942-key_factors.html - 65k - // www.llave.connmed.com.ar/portalnoticias_vernoticia.php?codigonoticia=17715 // www.frusculleda.com.ar/homepage/espanol/activities_teaching.htm // http://www.on24.com.ar/nota.aspx?idNot=36331 ||