miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2020

Virologists who discovered hepatitis C win medicine Nobel

Virologists who discovered hepatitis C win medicine Nobel


Harvey Alter, Charles Rice and Michael Houghton (left to right) won the 2020 Nobel prize in medicine for their research on the hepatitis C virus. (NIH History Office, John Abbott/The Rockefeller University, Richard Siemens/University of Alberta)

Hepatitis C scientists win medicine Nobel

A trio of scientists who identified and characterized hepatitis C — the virus that is responsible for many cases of hepatitis and liver disease — are the recipients of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology of Medicine. Harvey Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles Rice share the award. “It stands out as an emblem of great science,” says Ellie Barnes, who studies liver medicine and immunology. “We’ve got to a point where we can cure most people who are infected.”

Houghton has turned down high-profile awards because they didn’t acknowledge his collaborators, George Quo and Qui-Lim Choo. “It’s all based on the Nobel prize,” explained Houghton in 2013. “In his will, Dr. Nobel says there can be no more than three. All of the other major awards tend to copy that and limit it to three. It’s antiquated.”
Nature | 5 min read National Post | 5 min read (from 2013)

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