jueves, 1 de octubre de 2020

HIVinfo | Information on HIV/AIDS Treatment, Prevention and Research

HIVinfo | Information on HIV/AIDS Treatment, Prevention and Research

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Understanding HIV, Fact Sheets, and Infographics Now on HIVinfo.NIH.gov

The Office of AIDS Research (OAR) is pleased to announce the transition of the public AIDSinfo.nih.gov and infoSIDA.nih.gov websites and associated HIV/AIDS activities from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to OAR and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Infectious Diseases and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP). The AIDSinfo.nih.gov and infoSIDA.nih.gov sites have been renamed HIVinfo.nih.gov. Content available in the Spanish language can be found directly through HIVinfo.NIH.gov/es or from the translation link on the top right corner of the new homepage.

The new HIVinfo.NIH.gov website will continue to offer access to the latest, federally approved HIV/AIDS clinical treatment and prevention guidelines, as well as other HIV research information for health care providers, researchers, people affected by HIV/AIDS, and the general public.
The new site features:
  • Understanding HIV: A comprehensive collection of topics central to understanding the virus, as well as HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and research.
  • Fact Sheets and Infographics: HIV-related information explained in easy-to-understand language and infographics make HIV-related concepts easy to understand.
  • Resources: Clear navigation to the federally approved medical practice clinical guidelines for HIV/AIDS, the HIV glossary which provides definitions of a broad range of HIV-related terms, search tool to find HIV/AIDS-related clinical trials, and the searchable HIV drug database that helps users find information on FDA-approved HIV/AIDS and opportunistic infection drugs as well as investigational drugs for HIV treatment and prevention.
Simultaneously, OIDP is launching Clinicalinfo.HIV.gov that will feature the HIV Clinical Guidelines and associated components: the HIV Drug Database, and the Glossary that formerly resided at AIDSinfo.nih.gov and infoSIDA.nih.gov.

Please help us raise awareness of the availability of the HIV Clinical Guidelines and other assets on the new HIVinfo.NIH.gov and Clinicalinfo.HIV.gov sites among healthcare providers and others who will find them useful. And stay tuned for a new look and feel for our communications.

OAR coordinates HIV/AIDS research across the NIH. As HIV crosses nearly every area of medicine and scientific investigation, the response to the HIV pandemic requires a multi-Institute, multidisciplinary, global research program. OAR provides scientific coordination and management of this research program. OAR, through the OAR Advisory Council (OARAC), also convenes the panels of experts that maintain the guidelines for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and has long funded the availability of the guidelines in various formats online.

OIDP, part of the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, provides strategic leadership and management, while encouraging collaboration, coordination, and innovation among federal agencies and stakeholders to reduce the burden of infectious diseases. OIDP spearheads the federal HIV response through a number of activities, including: National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America, Minority HIV/AIDS Fund, and the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, and HIV.gov.

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