miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020

EURORDIS TV | www.eurordis.org

EURORDIS TV | www.eurordis.org

Wilhelm Foundation's photo project the UNDIAGNOSED is in collaboration with the American well-known photographer Rick Guidotti, Positive Exposure. Another Chance to a Diagnosis The goal with Wilhelm Foundation's international photo project the UNDIAGNOSED is to give the ones who suffer from an undiagnosed disease another chance to a diagnosis by presenting their photograph at a photo exhibition at the International Conference on Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases. We also distribute a booklet of the photographs and related medical information to all specialists at world congresses to increase the chance of diagnosis for the Undiagnosed. The participants in the project are those who have an undiagnosed disease, and undergone an investigation on an Undiagnosed Diseases Program (UDP) and are nevertheless undiagnosed. Raise awareness about the undiagnosed diseases, undiagnosed children Undiagnosed Diseases Network International (UDNI) and Undiagnosed Diseases program (UDP).

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