lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020



Conoravirus Disease Portal

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A call for diagnostic tests to report viral load
RF Service, Science, October 2, 2020
Diagnostic tests for COVID-19 should report not just whether a person is positive, but also a number known as the cycle threshold (CT) value, which indicates how much virus an infected person harbors. Advocates point to new research indicating that CT values could help doctors flag patients at high risk for serious disease. Recent findings also suggest the numbers could help officials determine who is infectious and should therefore be isolated and have their contacts tracked down.
Social license for the use of big data in the COVID-19 era
JA Shaw et al, NPJ Digital Medicine, October 2, 2020
In this Comment, we outline the importance of earning social license for public approval of big data initiatives, and specify principles of data law and data governance practices that can promote social license. We provide illustrative examples from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
After bias-adjustment, the magnitude of the absolute racial/ethnic disparity, measured as the difference in infection rates between classified Black and Hispanic persons compared to classified White persons, increased 1.3-fold and 1.6-fold respectively. These results highlight that complete case analyses may underestimate absolute disparities in infection rates.
Alexa, do I have COVID-19?
E AnNthes, Nature News, September 30, 2020
Researchers are exploring ways to use people’s voices to diagnose coronavirus infections, dementia, depression and much more.

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