jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020

A man caught coronavirus twice—and it was worse the second time | MIT Technology Review

A man caught coronavirus twice—and it was worse the second time | MIT Technology Review

Reinfections raise immunity questions

Very rare cases in which a person has caught COVID-19 twice are raising questions about how immunity might work for the disease. A new paper highlights one such incident in a 25-year-old man in Nevada. Genetic analysis showed that he was infected with different variants of the virus. Four other reinfections have been recorded in Hong Kong, Belgium, Ecuador and the Netherlands. Go deeper with Nature’s in-depth look at how reinfections contribute to our understanding of long-term immunity to COVID-19 and the prospects for a vaccine.
MIT Technology Review | 3 min read & Nature | 7 min read, from SeptemberReference: The Lancet paper

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