jueves, 2 de julio de 2020

It’s Summer: Helpful Health Info for This Season

Summer health - family in a park

Summer is a time for fun and outdoor activities. Here are some helpful tips for this time of year.
  • Sunburn: Recipes for making homemade sunscreen and advice on consuming dietary supplements or drinking special teas to protect against sun damage can be found on the internet. But studies have not proven that any herbal product or dietary supplement can reduce your risk of sun damage or skin cancer.
  • Seasonal allergies: For some people, summer is allergy season. A few complementary approaches, including the herb butterbur and rinsing the sinuses via a neti pot, may be helpful for seasonal allergy symptoms. But it’s important to never use tap water in a neti pot. Read this advice from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on how to use neti pots safely.
  • Lyme disease: For people in the Northeast and Upper Midwest, summer means a risk of getting bitten by ticks that carry Lyme disease. Some people wonder whether herbal or other “natural” therapies can effectively treat Lyme disease. The scientific evidence says no. These methods should not be used in place of antibiotic therapy.

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