miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Economic Policies Make a Difference for Babies’ Health

Economic Policies Make a Difference for Babies’ Health

National Institutes of Minority Health and Disparities

Economic Policies Make a Difference for Babies’ Health

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a way for federal and state governments to help working people from lower-income groups. Most analysis of how the EITC works looks at its economic effects.
Research funded by NIMHD has explored a different kind of effect: whether economic assistance improves health—specifically, whether assistance leads to healthier pregnancies. Expanded economic assistance could mean getting better prenatal care or healthier food.
The researchers have found that what lawmakers do is reflected in the bodies of their tiniest constituents: A series of studies on economic policy and births has found that more generous policies result in fewer low-birthweight babies.
Feature Story: Economic Policies Make a Difference for Babies’ Health. #NIMHDResearch

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